These Small Mistakes Could Cost You LOTS of Gold! | Dragonflight | WoW Gold Making Guide

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This video goes over 5 easy mistakes that many players are still making in Dragonflight. Some of these are selling items for under vendor value, not knowing specific items exist, or using an inaccurate metric to decide what items you are going to sell. Thanks for watching everyone!

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0:00 Intro
0:40 Mistake 1 - Vendoring
2:50 Mistake 2 - False Profit w/ Extra Items
6:00 Mistake 3 - Enchants
8:06 Mistake 4 - Sale Rates/Daily Sold
11:30 Mistake 5 - Old World
13:55 Final Remarks
14:12 Outro

#dragonflight #goldmaking #guide
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You too Penquin. Have a good day. Thanks for the vid.


awesome video! I'm gonna make a lot of cloth bracers next couple of days so I can do the shuffle and hold on to the shards unless i can get more profit from them though the ah


I love your videos! I'm a super new player, and now that I've finished dragonflight on a few characters, i've really been interested in gold making.
One thing that I've noticed, which I'm kind of confused about, is CraftSim's profit/craft ratio.
For example, at 3:21, CraftSim says you can make 861 gold per craft. However, on the auction house shopping list, a Bolt is anywhere from 369-594 gold, and you need 6 of them for one reagent bag; so wouldn't the profit be ~786, or worst case scenario -564 gold?
I've seen a lot of things like this when searching the auction house and using CraftSim, especially for cooking recipes, where one ingredient is worth more than the final product sells for, yet CraftSim still shows a net profit.
How's that all work out? Sorry if it's a dumb question!


Honestly I love the video and your enthusiasm. The first part should be entitled not reading patch notes. I did have a question. Do you think it's better to by the mats off the auction house or go farm them yourself


Really awesome video, is there any way you can increase your disenchant speed with tools or with smt else


Do you have a video already on the custom price sources? ( under general settings) ? Seems theres much new options now?
I just came back to the game and all of those are gone from my backups! My price source is just empty!
Now I cant even find a ''standard'' default price source 😂 But in my search I found a lot more of custom sources, that looks interesting, but with no explanation on what they do!


Great video, thanks! I've been avoiding the Craftsim average profit in favour of the recipe scan functionality, which - if I understand it correctly - gives you the optimal profit for all possible combinations of profession tools & materials. So no need to manually simulate the variations for each recipe. The only issue remaining for me regarding profit calculations is that Auctioneer prices can be misleading due to price baiting or significantly overpriced items, so I still have to sim manually if it looks fishy. Do you know if there is a way around this issue, Penguin? Ideally, I'm looking for a way to automatically set material costs based on quantity percentiles (to filter out low bait prices inflating the profit), as well as a way to set a price ceiling for quality items using the minimum price for all qualities higher than the item's quality (to filter out overpriced low-rank items which will never sell if a higher-quality version is available at a lower price). I have used price overrides for this, but it's a lot of manual work & not scalable to do across a larger set of items.


Great video! Whats the name of the addon/setting that lets you move the wow ui of crafting and search the action house at the same time? tyvm!


Thanks for the TSM part. I was always skeptical of sale rate / daily sold. I cannot find any information on how TSM gathers this data. As far as I know, you can only query the auction house for current auctions, but not what actually sold vs. cancelled/expired auctions. Do you happen to know more?


Thank goodness. I can finally offload the shards I bought because my add on put a vendor price and I thought I hit the jackpot...


I have two versions of tools for Tailoring, one with inspiration and second with multicraft. Where do you use the resourcefulness one? Only on bags? Or there are cases when resourcefulness is better than multicraft if both can happen?


How do you get the AH window to not close when opening the profession (tailoring) window?




A little off-topic but what I wanna ask is it bad idea to save knowledge points ? Like will upcoming patches bring something that will make saved points useless?
Because on my BS there is nothing worth to spend knowledge on. so there is like 50 unspent points now. On JC there are few things I can spend on but I wanna decide later.


Why are prices for other stuff falling off a cliff right now? Bags for me dropped 30% a lot of mats as well falling crimson gear is falling quickly is it because of 10.1


There's 2 wow player types that i don't get in dragonflight
1. people who buy four BFA 30 slot backpack for 400g each VS four dragonflight 32 slot bag for 40g what?? oh well thanks for ez money keep buying them lols
2. people who post 346item level profession equipment (price in ah 2000g) for a price of 320item level (price in ah 50g) AAAND then later on i see more people undercutting it why??? just fix your tsm or actually look up the ilvl before posting


Be honest, how much time, over 15 hours per week, do you actually play WoW?


Love the comment… ‘if you already an multi-millionaire’… because the current system was only built for those who had millions and could afford to buy mats to build BOP items just to vender them…


Oh boy 7 silver… WHEN WILL YOU STOP SHILLING FOR BLIZZARD AND DO A PROOER COMPARISON BETWEEN A PAST EXPANSION AND THE CURRENT ONE?.. why are t you pushing for a better system that doesn’t suck up time invested, doesn’t have so many RNG issues making it virtually impossible to predict any cost, and an order system broken and non-existent?
