DEAD Cities 3 [Radio Tower] Dark Ambient Focus Music 4K [ALONE]

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I create musical background ambiences to be used as ambient music for sleep, ambient music for reading, ambient music for meditation, ambient music for creative work, ambient music to focus, ambient music for relaxation, ambient music for long coding sessions and ambient music for studying. They are made for my 4k cinematic, atmospheric, post-apocalyptic, space sci-fi and dystopian ambience videos featuring ambient music, ranging from meditative ambient music, cinematic ambient music, cyberpunk ambient music, to dark ambient music, sci-fi ambient music and futuristic ambient music
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The decision is made—there’s no way you’ll make it to the power station before dark, not with the streets as quiet and dangerous as they are. The radio tower, perched high on the outskirts of the city, offers some level of safety. At least, you hope it does. It’s up high, away from the infected that roam the streets below. You tell yourself it’s the smart choice.

You slip out of the factory just as the last light fades from the sky, moving quickly and quietly through the empty streets. The shadows stretch longer now, twisting over the cracked pavement, and every creak of an old building or distant clatter sends your heart into overdrive. You can feel it—the city waking up with the night, and with it, the infected. You have to reach the tower before it’s too late.

It takes longer than you expected. Your legs burn from the constant climbing as you navigate over crumbling staircases and broken bridges, but eventually, you reach the tower. It’s as tall as you remembered, standing like a beacon against the darkening sky, surrounded by twisted fences and rusted gates. You climb, pushing past old, corroded barriers, your breath coming in ragged gasps.

Inside, the tower is cold and hollow, the silence thick. The stairwell spirals upward, and you take each step with deliberate care, knowing any noise could attract unwanted attention. You find a small control room near the top, its door heavy and solid—something you can barricade, something that might hold if they come. You settle in, stacking whatever debris you can find against the door, but you know it won’t stop them if they’re determined. Nothing does.

The night drags on, long and restless. You try to sleep, but it’s impossible. Every sound outside makes your heart race. The infected—they’re out there. You can hear them, their slow, slurry footsteps echoing in the stairwell below. Sometimes, there’s a scraping sound, like nails on metal, and you imagine them at the base of the door, scratching, sensing you inside. They can’t see, but they know. Somehow, they always know.

Your grip tightens around your weapon as you sit in the dark, knees drawn to your chest, listening to the noises outside. The fear is suffocating, pressing down on you with each passing minute. The infected never sleep. They just wait, shuffle, and hunt.

Eventually, the sounds fade. The scratching stops. You’re not sure when it happens, but exhaustion overtakes you, and you drift into a shallow, fitful sleep.

When the sun finally rises, the light filters through the cracks in the walls, and you feel a small, fleeting sense of relief. The day is bright, clear. You move to the windows at the top of the tower, gazing out over the ruined city. From here, you can see everything—once bustling streets now filled with wreckage and decay, buildings reduced to hollow shells, and the endless sprawl of the wilderness beyond.

You check the computers in the control room, hoping for something—anything—that might give you a clue about your crew. Some of the systems still hum with faint power, but they offer nothing useful. No logs, no messages, just static and empty files. Your crew isn’t here. They never were.

The radio tower was just a stop along the way, a safe haven for the night. But now it’s time to move on. You can’t wait any longer.

You pack up your gear, slipping back into the city streets, heading south again. The sun is high in the sky now, beating down on you as you make your way toward the distant dam. The heat is relentless, and with every passing hour, you can feel the weight of your pack growing heavier, your supplies dwindling. Your food is almost gone. Water, too. You have to make it to the power plant soon, or you won’t survive much longer.

The landscape shifts as you move out of the city and into the wilderness beyond. Tall trees rise up around you, the forest thick and dense, but the dam walls loom in the distance—massive concrete structures, towering above the treetops, casting long shadows across the valley. The power station is there, hidden behind those walls, nestled near the reservoir. That’s where your crew might be. It has to be.


A bit too big for my liking, but loving the contrast.


Great!!!! Love the inside. It is probably just me, but I get a Late 80s computer vibe in a 60s/70s style Very good! Many thanks!!!


We’re receiving signals from the north tower. I thought they were evacuated? - send a spotter out to the area and find out who is operating that tower, they may have resources; this might be our only chance…


This is a perfect background and ambient music while I'm re-reading Palahniuk's Fight Club. This may well be a base of operations for Project Mayhem.

Great work!


Capital federal local muy difícil muerto papel por noche muy difícil murió espieza espicial por noche


So captivating; I could stare at it for hours


Time to analyze the last data received by the tower


I love your work!! Can you please tell me how you create those wallpaper? I’d love to learn it myself. Thank you!


done, how would it be to be totally alone in a dead city?
Ready for a mindflight with this music and headphones on?✨️
Thanks guys😃👍
