How to speak English fast and understand natives (Part II)

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I just had an online meetup event where I had people from all over the world, we all spoke English and we were discussing online business in 2020. What I've noticed is that people who are not English native speakers were using a language that is so 'textbook'. There were some people who are in the US and their language was completely different and when I was listening to those people, I started noting those differences. I decided to share my insights with you because with these tips you will be able to speak English as a native speaker and won't sound a little old-fashioned. When you're using English from textbooks, you sound a little too academic. With these tips by the end of the class, your English will be more native.

Let's start with a very basic common thing that you probably know but not all of you are using it in your everyday speech. I'm talking about reduced forms. Let's look at some examples:
• want to - wanna
• don't know - dunno

You need to decide which accent you want to adopt because you can speak British English, you can speak Canadian English, you can speak Australian English and you can speak American English. There's nothing wrong with either of those accents, it's just you need to be consistent.

Learn to ignore "fillers" but also learn how to use them.
Here is a list of common "fillers" in English:
• actually
• anyway
• by the way
• erm
• I mean
• incidentally
• in fact
• obviously
• well
• you know

Native speakers also almost always use contractions (short words created by combining two separate words) to speak faster. Some examples of common ones:
• I + am = I’m
• I + will = I’ll
• do + not = don’t
• I + have = I’ve
• I + would= I’d

Next tip. Use slang! Yes, we've learnt a lot of slang words with you but I just want to emphasize that people use those slang words a lot because sometimes you learn them and you're in your country and you're like 'whatever'. But then, you start interacting with native speakers and suddenly they're like: "Do you want to hang out with me?" And you're like: "What was that?" To hang out means to spend time together.

English idioms are phrases whose meanings aren’t obvious from looking at the individual words.
The use of idioms might not be as common as slang in informal speech. However, native speakers can use idioms at times and mystify you.

Time codes:
1:16 Use reduced forms
2:49 Decide which accent you want to adopt
4:16 About my English workbook
5:25 Learn to ignore "fillers"
7:14 Use contractions
8:26 Pay attention to stress
9:07 Use slang
10:10 Learn idioms

⭐ INSTAGRAM - linguamarina



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Time codes:
1:16 Use reduced forms
2:49 Decide which accent you want to adopt
4:16 About my English workbook
5:25 Learn to ignore "fillers"
7:14 Use contractions
8:26 Pay attention to stress
9:07 Use slang
10:10 Learn idioms


no school had ever taught us what you could teach us in one video


I don't need subtitles to understand her videos and that's the best part of her speaking skills, I believe 😌


You’re the best teacher ever! I’m brazilian and I don’t need subtitles. I can understand 100% what are you saying ❤


You’re the best teacher of english, i have never seen a great teacher like you, thanks a lot.


During the lockdown, let’s learn English! Stay inside!


You are definetelly better than schools. Love ur videos.Stay safe✨🍁


These videos are super interesting! IT makes me think about how I communicate. I will bring up that in the US there are multiple regional accents and language differences. These tips would apply to more of the western region. Places such as Colorado, California, Arizona, Nevada, etc.


the thing in English that I do every day is to listen to you for hours. you are super amazing, funny, cool and most of all a very great and so smart . thank you for all your efforts to teach people English.


I love hearing your voice so clear that I can hear every word you're saying


My english teacher can cry after watch this stuff


Marina you are the inspiration of all English learners. Stay blessed always and keep smiling.


Hi. I'm in sri lanka 🇱🇰 . I can't speech in english . But I try ❤️❤️


Her English is so clear .. I can understand it perfectly


Depending on who ya talk to in the U.S., some people will actually contract "will" with someone's name. "Kate'll get that report to ya soon." "Tom'll meet you in the lobby when you arrive". Typically it's only for names that end in a consonant sound (i.e. "Kate" ends with a T sound, "Tom" with an M sound); it'd be a little odd to hear somethin like "Sara'll get you a receipt for that" in comparison, because the name "Sara" doesn't end with a consonant sound. Just thought I'd clear that up for anyone here that is tryin to learn American English.


tienes un tono de voz muy hermoso, eres dulce para los oídos, jamás pensé que escuchar el ingles fuera tan lindo


I'm english learner, i've just started following you. It's fantastic you are the best Marina. Thanks a lot


Even though I’m American I really enjoy watching her videos and seeing the difference in how people think we speak versus how we speak


Ok i am 14 years age, and i just understand some words that she sayied! sometimes it's so hard for me to understand, but im happy because im still learning.


Im an indian girl, im interested with your classes, tricks, and your voice❤, its so good🍂👍🏼
