FP Live 015: Oliver Crisp - Deviant Calvinism

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Welcome to episode fifteen of the Fortress Press Live podcast! In this episode, we speak with Oliver Crisp about his book, Deviant Calvinism: Broadening Reformed Theology.

In this episode we cover the following topics:

-Oliver’s education background and current teaching role at Fuller Theological Seminary.
-How did the idea for Deviant Calvinism get its start?
-How are “Calvinism” and “Reformed Theology” defined in the book and what elements contribute to the word deviant in the book’s title?
-What are the core themes and problems focused on in the book?
-What additional topics did quite make the cut for the book?
-What if any correlation do you see between eternal justification and the Lutheran understanding of objective/subjective justification?
-Doesn’t the “God must display essential attributes in eternal judgment” (e.g. Holiness, righteousness) argument against universalism make God in His very nature dependent upon creation? -How does this correspond with orthodox understanding of God’s self-sufficiency?
-Who was the intended reader/audience you were writing for?
-How might Deviant Calvinism be used in the classroom?

Рекомендации по теме

Dr. Richard A. Muller has addressed this very issue throughout his career! "Deviant Calvinism" is a misleading title. The title should have been "Broadening the Reformed Tradition: Calvin As One Among Many." Bucer, Bullinger, Peter Martyr Vermigli, Cranmer, and etc.
Please begin here: Divine Will and Human Choice: Freedom, Contingency, and Necessity in Early Modern Refomed Thought and Calvin and the Reformed Tradition: On the Work of Christ and the Order of Salvation -- both by Richard A. Muller! Also by Muller: The Unaccommodated Calvin and After Calvin!
