LSD Simulator - Teaser Trailer

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The LSD Simulator has just been released on Viveport!
Play the experience today!

This app is designed to satisfy your curiosity towards the mysterious world of drug hallucination, without needing to risk your mental health or criminal record! (or your family’s safety!)

Please Note: The LSD Simulator currently does not support crippling anxiety experienced in Bad Trips, but we aim to improve upon that in a later release!

Music by Tom Hartney & Pensive - Reverence (Coherent II)
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I'm tripping rn, I don't know if it's me seeing stuff or if it's the video; in case it is the video, what an amazing work, the most similar thing to lsd visuals


Nice job, but you know that we both know that visuals are not why psychedelics are amazing lol. Distortions and warping are only 10% of it. The headspace and heightened emotional response, philosophical fits of laughter are the only reason I love them lol.


Going on a trip with my friend was one of the single greatest nights of my life. I haven't touched it in a couple months now. Ngl, I really miss the stuff. Not in an addictive way of course. It was just such a genuinely unique, irreplaceable experience.


This is about as accurate as you can get to lsd visuals, big props


I once laughed at a bath towel that was breathing at me while I was talking a piss.


Huge accomplishment man this is the most accurate I’ve ever seen ever single inch is covered just like in a trip perfect


This is post-peak visuals. If you take enough acid you'll literally see kaleidoscopic whirlwind of awesome


Nothing like it . Fear and loathing in Las Vegas has the best lsd simulated trip ever made


The closest accurate lsd visuals I’ve seen. Another really good example of a accurate psychedelic visuals is midsommers shroom scene and it’s a great example of what a bad trip feels like. I hope to who ever reads this you have a great trip ✌🏻. Also if you are interested in doing these psychedelics it’s important to educate your self first before doing them and take a grain of salt with every info you find bc there’s a lot of untrue statements on the web and news.


Took two tabs for the first time in my life 5 hours ago, seen the new thor, holy moly this is very close to what I seen, especially the theatres in here, peoples faces morphing, surrealll


I've just tried it for the first time and i'm still in the course of my trip and this is spectacular


Impossible to "simulate" LSD. Grab your balls and dose. This does look cool but the visual and auditory aspects are just a small part of the experience.


I've heard so many wonderful things about magic mushrooms, LSD, DMT but I can't easily get some, Is there any realiable source I can purchase from??


This makes my body tickle in that special kinda way, you know?


Nailed the distortion glow. Now if you could only simulate the "my insides tickle"


Watched this on acid, very…. very cool man.


This is more of a low dose/ the initial phase of lsd.
First time I took lsd was at my friend's house. I had one bad trip.

About 8pm one evening, I took an overdose, (which is not recommended for a first time user) and it took a while (about 45 minutes) to really kick in. Things around the room appeared to 'move' and 'distort', like they were shrinking and swelling, very depictive of the video shown here. At first I started to experience feelings of joy. My feet kept shaking. I couldnt stop smiling. I was happy. And I expected this mentally stimulating sensation to continue....but little did I know the drug was about to reveal its 'other side'. Yeah, good feeling gone now. Feelings of despair and paranoia rolled in. Suddenly it felt like I was losing my breath- this is what really made me panick. Yep, I thought I was going to die! I gripped my friend tightly by the arms and gasped, 'I guess this is the end for me, tell my family I love them'. He hugged me and said 'Stay strong my friend'. He then rushed to the PC to play some 'nature relaxation' YouTube video to help me with the psychedelic effects of the drug, and possibly ease some of the distress.
After this point, and, in the hours that followed, I was tossing and turning on the bed. All I could hear was echoing and reverbed sounds, (the nature video with birds chirping and waterfall sounds even made it seem like I was in heavan, at some point in the experience). At some stage I was so convinced I died, that I thought I heard my friend's mum screaming several times (which btw didn't happen, it was just the drug playing with my senses, the paranoia etc). There was a whole lot of hallucinations, it even felt as though my soul lifted...IT'S JUST HARD TO EXPLAIN lol but you get the idea.
5 hours after taking the dose, there were some first signs of the drug leaving my system and things getting back to normal. I could see my hands, I could feel my body, I could talk again. 'Wow' I thought, 'so I'm not dead after all'. I kept asking my friend what time it was to assure my self I was definitely alive and communicating with him. By the time I'd fully come back to my selft it was 7-8 hours in. I didn't sleep the whole night. Just sat on the cair and silently cried while my friend was fast asleep. I was in shock at what I've just gone though. The following morning my friend took me for a walk outisde and we watched the sunrise. It was great to have some fresh air. I was just thankful to God I was alive.

Anyways thought I'd share my experience. In short, you could have a "good trip" or a "bad trip", it depends on the individual and their state of mind.


This is pretty cool Now I don't have to imagine what it's like to live in an aesthetic world


Oh i cant wait for this, I can get real meta with this game :)


Whatever you do, NEVER look at the mirror on acid.
