Gravitational Attraction

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The gravitational attraction between small masses is shown. This is the basic Cavendish experiment
The first part of the video was cut off due to an error on the laser disc. In the first part of the video, it explains that the bar is suspended by a glass thread from a high ceiling.

The video is from a laser disc published by the Optical Data Corporation, 30 Technology Drive, Warren, New Jersey 07060. I believe the copyright was from about 1978
The Living Textbook --- Physical Science
Here is a link to a picture of the cover of the LD:
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What is the mass of the leadball under the pyramide and what is the distance between the centers of leadball and pyramide


The video cuts out at 1:06, because the balls always bounce off the other balls, which would prove that "gravity" also repels. . .


hey, if two plumb bobs are hung from a bridge, or any high platform, the lines attached to the plumb bobs will be the same distance apart at the top as at the bottom. the lines will always be parallel no matter how far apart they are hung. that parallel phenomenon could only happen on a flat earth. if the earth were a sphere, the spherical earth theory requires that the distance between the plumb bobs at the top would be greater than at the bottom. that is because on a spherical earth, the theory of gravity requires that a plumb bob, wherever it is on earth, must be pulled to the center of the earth. the vectors of the force of gravity would be liked the spokes on a wheel splaying outward from the center of the wheel. the plumb bobs would follow the force vectors of gravity, if the earth were a globe. but that is not what we see. what we see is that the lines holding the two adjacent plumb bobs will always be parallel no matter how far apart they hang. that could only mean that the earth is flat.


The problem with the gravitational theory is that according to that theory, the gravitational attraction to the earth by all persons and objects remains the same at all places on the earth. That means that the gravitational force at the north pole is the same as the gravitational force at the equator. That poses a very real problem if the earth is spinning as alleged. That is because the centrifugal force decreases every mile toward the north pole, where the centrifugal force is ultimately reduced to zero, because the north pole is the axis of the supposedly spinning earth. On a globe, as you travel north or south of the equator the circumference parallel to the equator becomes less. Consequently, the speed of the earth’s spin at those northern and southern latitudes from the equator would be slower than its speed of spin at the equator. For example, at the 45-degree north latitude, the earth’s spin should be about 700 miles er hour. As the speed of the spin is reduced, so also is the correlative centrifugal force. The spinning earth and the mystical force of gravity are thus proven to be fictions.


there is no such thing as gravity; gravity is not necessary on a flat earth. it is density that keeps objects from floating off the surface of the earth. people and objects are heavier than the air and therefore do not float off the ground. there are some gasses, of course, that are lighter than air, and they float off the ground. everyone has seen helium balloons float up in the air. everyone understand that helium balloons are not some sort of anti-gravity devices; they float up in the air, because helium is lighter than air. why do people not understand that apples fall from trees to the ground, not because of gravity, but because apples are denser than air? they believe in the mystical force of gravity, not because it has been proven true, but because they have been brainwashed into believing in it. gravity does not exist.


the popular cult-like belief in gravity started with Sir Isaac Newton, who was a scientist who published his historic three-volume the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy in 1687. in that book, Newton propounded his laws of motion and universal gravity. Newton is viewed by most in the scientific community as the seminal theoretician for the postulation of gravity. gravity is not supported by any scientific proof. what then was the source of the theory? S. Pancoast reveals that ''the law of attraction and repulsion'' in the Kabbalah was popularized under the name ''gravity'' by Isaac Newton.

what most do not know is that Isaac Newton was a religious mystic, who was very well studied in Judaism, and Jewish texts. Aron Heller at the Times of Israel revealed that Newton ''learned how to read Hebrew, scrolled through the Bible and delved into the study of Jewish philosophy, the mysticism of Kabbalah and the Talmud. indeed, one writer has revealed that 7, 500 pages of Newton's theological speculations, written in his own hand are digitized at Israel's national library at Hebrew Universit