Is Re-Baptism Biblical? When Should Someone Be Re-Baptized?

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In this video we will learn about when baptism is not biblical and when someone should be re-baptized today. We can't let the opinions and ideas of man make the decision for us. We must obey the gospel the apostles preached as written in the Word of God and make sure we don't overlook the details.
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This was helpful. I was voluntarily baptised in high school but didn't understand the Gospel until my late 20s. I want to be baptised again because I understand the Gospel of Jesus now and understand the meaning of baptism - when I didn't before.


I was baptized about 3 times one when I was an infant and the others when I was about 10-11 I was only doing it cause I loved the water. I look back at it and am ashamed and I never really gave my life to God and now that I’m much older i matured in faith and through Christ. This video helped! I’m getting re baptized soon and I’m publicly declaring I’ve repented from my sins and I now live for God and only him!


Thank you for the insight I was baptized when I was a kid probably 7-8 I asked God into my heart but after many years I've been struggling so much with sin and felt like my relationship with God had gone down I pray here and there
Now and have been on the fence about if I should or not


I was re-baptized yesterday the correct way (full immersion)! I couldn't be more happy! Originally, I was baptized (sprinkled) as a baby.


This guy is on it he's exactly right Acts 18:24 Acts 19:2 should I be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Acts 2:38 says be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ both are biblical and both are the right way to do it I was baptized in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit when I was eight or nine years old. I understood what was being said I understood what I was doing no one made me go... I went on my own but, I want to be re-baptized the right the name Jesus Christ or the Lord Jesus. It's the NAME the NAME is what's important not just the titles. Good lesson


I have been a Christian all my life.
I was baptized after going on a missions trip when I was 19.
I'm now 47 and completely committed to Christ.
I spent my twenties and early thirties living a life of complete disobedience.
I read my Bible and listened to praise and worship music. I always prayed and loved Christ during those sinful years.
Unfortunately I had no self control.
My life has been completely transformed by Christ.
I feel all those years of willfully sinning, my baptism really doesn't mean anything to God.
How can it? I lived in so much sin for so long.
God knows my heart, but I have felt for the past 10 years or so, that I should retake that step of baptism.
I don't
Thank you.


Good video, Eric. I’ll have to look more into the “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” vs “Jesus Christ” point that you made. Thanks for the short study. God bless


I love this, and I thank God for leading me to your video, just in the right time, my question is answered....


Thanks for this video
I am from Africa and when i was seventeen in 1997 a classmate started talking to me about the end time and Jesus Christ and also because i was afraid of some sins i did in my younger age i then accepted to be baptized but few years later i backslide and in 2002 at age of twenty two i came back to the church i got baptized and thought i maybe never really repented and went re baptizing again in Jesus name...the church i was going at the time was a William Branham's message preaching ..i never stay too long in the faith i found myself doing what's wrong again and recently i have truly repented and i am attending another church but every time they take the Lord's supper i restrain myself from taking it because i think i am not worthy to do so because of my past ..God knows i am so confused and i have been praying to get an answer about my situation .I never knew one should not get baptized twice in Jesus name and back in days no one told me, if i knew at that time i would not have done it again.
i am just seeking an answer from God.
Thanks and may god bless you,


I was baptized when I was like 9 I didnt really understand back then but now I understand should I be rebaptized


hi there, i was baptized at 9 and went on to live a full prodigal lifestyle so i got rebaptized at the age of 26 with repentance for my old life and to be made new in Christ. i believe that baptism was sufficient because 12 days later the holy spirit fell onto me in fire. but i was still never baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, only Father, Son, & Holy Ghost. it always bothered me that it was not in the name of Jesus. i'm going to a biblical healing retreat & they are doing baptisms in the creek, and are encouraging rebaptism because there is no rule against it and there is power in the waters. And since i never got baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, i think i will. whats your take on that situation?


Praise The LORD Jesus brother. Good stuff !


Brother my name is Rohan Peter. I'm from Kerala. I have a very big absent mindedness. Sometimes i feel very zoned out. I was saved 2 years ago in 2022 and accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and saviour. I had depression, fear and memory related issues. I repented off my sins and renounce every curses upon me passed on from my mom's side (which she too suffered) today I got baptized but the absent mindedness still remains. Sometimes i feel like my baptism is not valid because i have not requested my baptism to my pastor these days yet I have longed and prayed for it many times to God about it and said to my pastor that I will get baptized very soon many months before. I had the Joy of getting baptized. The spirit inside me was joyful before getting baptized. And added to that it took me three times to get immersed fully in the water. Is my baptism is still valid?


When I was baptised I didn't know the real meaning of baptism and repend.
I only thought that if I take baptism I can go to heaven and and get the power of the holy spirit.
I didn't know the real meaning of baptism and repend.
But now I know the real meaning of baptism and repend.
Should I want to take baptism again?


I was baptized at age 12, and I have never had a constant or steady faith, including years of living in immorality, apathy, and honestly I don’t remember why I took steps to get baptized, I know I felt a love of Jesus and a desire to align myself with my chriStian family. Now I’m 37 and just now have realized what it means to build my life on and around Jesus, abide in him and make him my dwelling place. So should I re baptize?


i have been thinking about getting re babtised, i honestly feel like i didn’t trully know why it was so important, i read the bible passage about the man who didn’t know his sole would be called in the middle of the night & honestly i didn’t want that to happen to me without at least doing the one thing god asked for. i was more scared of not telling god that i wanted to live his life & not mine, & that i understand that only through baptism though Jesus could i ever be saved


So does that mean I need to get rebaptized as I was baptised as an infant in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit even though it was through immersion (under water)? Confused as it does say one baptism.


I was sprinkled and in life someone cared enough to explain what the wolves had mislead me. I went back and was baptised under the water, the first didn't work anyway, it was false hopes of salvation. Romans 6 5 tells us if we are baptised in the likeness of His death we will also rise.i am a baptised under the water Christian. 6 t then sounds like a promise to me. Do this and this will be a good ending in life. I'm 68 and don't wee well. Hope u can read this.


I was baptized in a church that was out of order (had a woman pastor) two years ago, but I genuinely was hungry for the Lord’s Word and have been growing more spiritually mature.
I’ve prayed about it because God is of order but I don’t feel like I need to be but my family keeps pressuring me to be re baptized. What is your thoughts?


True/Real repentance brings one to change. Not to continue doing the same wrongs.
