Interesting Facts About 'Interstellar'

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Interstellar is a visual masterpiece, but the most spectacular aspect of the movie is that those jaw dropping shots of black holes and wormholes are the most realistic depictions of these phenomena man has ever created.

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To be honest TARS and CASE were some of the best concepts from a SCI-FI movie I've ever seen.


Christopher is a freaking genius and I absolutely loved Interstellar.


This was a "stellar" movie, containing not only good Science Fiction, but the human element as well. The charactors were quite real with real emotions and challenges. It was as poignant as it was awesome. My compliments to the director. 


It was awesome. As a physics student, I was absolutely thrilled by the science, and touched by the humanity.


The science behind the movie is advancing the field of astrophysics.


Forget watching this on an expensive IMAX theatre, this film hits different when you’re watching this in an airplane on a night flight to wherever. Best recommended to watch if you’re also on a window seat, you get to appreciate looking out of your window as if you’re really in the movie ✨


Glad it was Nolan instead of Spielberg


Wow, that was amazing. I saw Interstellar in IMAX and it was absolutely amazing, I was blown away.


And yesterday we got the first photo of a Black hole. 😉


Finally, someone who loves "Interstellar". I saw the movie and it was great. It inspired me about science. Felt so satisfied after watching the movie. Christopher Nolen is a wonderful film-maker. His movies are so deep and full of imagination.

After watching the movie, I came to the internet and was shocked. Many videos I saw are all spoilers on "Interstellar".Maybe because they think it so "complicated" or whatever. scientists like Neil deGrasse commenting on my favorite movie. Saying it cannot explain Blah Blah Blah something. I never really liked, actually. And I thought, is there anyone who liked this movie. Looking how wonderful and 'realistic' science-fiction.

And I found you. Who love the movie I loved. I wish I started with this video. Thank you "The Daily Conversation" for uploading this video.


Great movie. I'd say it is absolutely 95% worth your time and you should only see it if you understand literature, physics or theoretical sciences if you want to be fascinated and not absolutely confused and have a feeling of being ripped off. I only didn't really grasp onto the fact of the whole "beings that exist in time, gravity, and 5 dimensions." stuff. If Cooper was the ghost for Murph and he helped her out in the split-dimension thing in the black hole. How did it GET there and who really is "they"? I got from the movie that they is actually themselves and I guess their future selves who gained the powerful use of gravity to their expense put the wormhole next to saturn in the past so that they could have those astronauts get sucked into the black hole so that they could actually get the ability to place the wormhole so that their past selves could get the knowledge of gravity's power so that they could place the wormhole in the past so that... I'm at a loop. If they got the wormhole and the black hole in their specific locations using time, gravity, and interstellar travel, how would they have gotten there in the first place? Dead time beings? gravity beings? but wasn't Cooper the ghost that got them there in the first place? Why is this theory so complex?!


The movie was so beautiful that it rocked the center of my soul. I can't describe the feeling i got when i first watched it. This is more than just a cinematic masterpiece. This is revolution!


oh man... now after watching this video, i love "interstellar" even more... :D


I loved it so much ...especially the ending when cooper meets his daughter after 90 years😊


One of my most favorite films. Never have i been so emotionally moved by a film before. Going to buy the DVD and watch over and over!


I love the science and the technical stuff, but for me the most important thing about the movie Interstellar is the humanity it explores, the anguish the characters endure, the pathos of being separated by vast distances.... the agony of loss.


Nolan sir is indeed the greatest film director of our generation. Interstellar is a masterpiece, it takes almost two attempts to understand this movie. Hollywood will never produce a film like Interstellar again.


Saw this movie yesterday, amazing trip.


I saw it and was blown away. The fact that its all plausible amazes me. I am currently reading into the special theory of relativity  


Christopher Nolan actually didn’t destroy all of the crop fields they planted for the movie. He decided to donate a large amount to local farmers which i think is a very cool move so kudos to him besides for being a amazing producer
