ElixirConf UY - Closing Keynote: Elixir Works Like My Brain - Andrea Leopardi

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For our 2022 closing Keynote, Andrea Leopardi presents Elixir Works Like My Brain.

In his words: "I'd like to talk about how Elixir fits my mental model of programming, showcasing its features and why I think it's such a great language."

Andrea Leopardi is a member of the Elixir core team, an engineer at Apple, a writer, and a speaker.
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"What Is Anthropomorphism? Anthropomorphism is a literary device that attributes human characteristics to non-human entities, like animals and plants, or inanimate objects, like stars or machines."
I love how you anthropomorphized processes in erlang/elixir, as you mentioned Joe looked at it also that way. Which is an incredible way of looking at it because the effect from such framing on this particular subject seems profound. "Elixir Works Like My Brain" means the anthropomorphizing *clicks*, it makes even more sense than in literacy and it reflects whole society, how people act on fundamental level. The analogy works because BEAM really is built like that. Real society is more complex but fundamental things coincide. By learning and using elixir you also indirectly learn how to better act in society I feel. You are a complex process that needs to message pass if in need of a bigger computation you can't handle or something like that; this would be called distributed cognition and we do it all the time. Also I think it's not a coincidence, I think Joe and Jose knew what they were doing. Just some thoughts, I might be wrong but it does *click* for me. 🤠


As for "build a GenServer yourself", I highly recommend the second part of the Elixir in Action book.


Great talk! Great analogies. I had a thought that "memory and thoughts are immutable" is a bit questionable, because memory is what we have NOW in this moment about the past. Where is something like "actions and thoughts are immutable" might describe it better? Just an idea... P.s. great to hear you're married now! (Tetiana Dushenkivska)


Brain create mutablility 😊 nature is mutable . Even if someone wants to have immutability then there should be way around to keep in trend as way forward.

Nature change "a stone changes after ages" and programming is an art to depict such changes in nature.
Its a beautiful language .

Better we need some more upgrade before someone else see.

Case1: F(x) {


Sorry for the whitespace

Case3: defmodule Recursion do
def sum_list([]), do: 0
def sum_list([head | tail]), do: head + sum_list(tail)
