From $erverless To Elixir | Prime Reacts

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The most underrated feature of Elixir/Erlang is how damn stable throughput is. May not have the same straight line performance as some other languages, but throw more and more load at it, and it’ll still be chugging along with good response times long after other systems have fallen over. Preemptive multitasking is a superpower.


Re: "let it crash"--the Erlang joke at 5:11.

"Let it crash" is a core tenant of Erlang design and programming. Instead of writing "defensive code", you let a process crash or "die", and have its supervisor or monitoring process restart it. That said, in actuality, you probably do not want it to crash and will likely write some defensive code, however, in the off chance something unexpected happens, having a supervisor process and that philosophy lends to a greater peace of mind.

I guess the intended joke was that the major change from serverless to Elixir initially resulted in some crashing, so the saying "let it crash" fit the bill.

Re: "fit the bill"--wait, stop recursion.


"we were using a logging sevice that was getting expensive" - cough cough datadog cough cough


Elixir is the “One Man Army”


Been writing elixir for 6yrs. I have that natural curiosity toward other languages and frequently try them out. EVERY SINGLE TIME I end up thinking, "this is just so much simpler in Elixir." I try not to fanboy over any language since they are just tools but man Elixir/Erlang just works.


the best article u read so far. i watch your videos for a month now. the other videos were good but this was the best. love it.❤


Love this, been learning Elixir for the past week. Tried haskell in college and was told to look into Elixir by a class mate. Year later im checking it out and its enjoyable. Golang and Elixir are my languages of choice and im enjoy every second of it.


The interprocess communication in Erlang/Elixir is actually really cool. Once I understood it, it became my favorite model for this.


Stopped watching about half way to rewrite my services in Elixir to run on kubernetes.

Will come back and watch the reminder after I deploy perfectly first time.


Serverless is really only for small to medium sized projects/companies. I think the strategy is generally to use serverless in order to spit out functional apps as soon as possible and then if any of the apps in particular blow up in popularity you would move that app to a self-managed infrastructure to maximize profit.


This is also a great showcase for indie/hobbyist dev - it just shows that even if you think your pet project will have an overnight success (an unlikely event), you still rarely ever need more than one or a few small servers. No need for “cloud scale” with thousands of “serverless” instances, when 1-3 tiny servers can handle ALL of it, and then some. The cloud is a lie (and I’m saying this after being a “cloud architect” for 7 years)


I learned Elixir earlier this year and had to do a CRUD’s table for a small company cause they asked for it using Phoenix table. When the project was completed, I haven’t touched Elixir since, that was back in January. Sadly not as much demand for it (right now).


And it was about that time that i realized that that girl scout wasnt no gurl scout. It was that damn lochness monster again trying to get my tree fiddy!


Im surprised elixir isnt more popular, I fn love it


20:52 I think "contrarianism" is a good product of critical thinking (to an extent). We know people are fallible and can get swept up in hype. When there's no counternarrative that's pointing out the downsides or nuance of a situation or thing, its generally a good thing to give some air to the skeptic so they can scrutinize the narrative. This isn't to say that things can't have a huge amount of pros and very little (relevant) cons, or that the skeptic themselves are going to be constructive; just that it's good practice to keep an open mind to nuanced views.

"There's a time and place for everything, " and that is never all the time and everywhere. The higher the stakes, the better it may be to seek said nuance out on your own or to play "Devil's advocate" in efforts to stress test an idea and play it out to its logical ends.

PS: That said, sounds like TheFightagen just wants to throw a few "Oh really?"s.

Edit: Better -agen.


Every time that I hear serverless surprises me how much money they spend!!


But serverless is very cheap.when you don't have users!


He had an unnecessary string copy due to appending the new line in his 2nd attempt. That won’t have helped with the ram going crazy since doubling the memory pressure for no reason (as he could have passed the new line in as part of an array saving the copy)


"That's a lot of shards" I'm laughing at this phrase. Once we tried to calculate how many shards we would need it came out as 300 just counting bandwidth, in the end SQS was an order of magnitude less expensive


Cory O’Daniel is a gangster. Stick with him, y’all.
