From $erverless To Elixir | Prime Reacts

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MY MAIN YT CHANNEL: Has well edited engineering videos
Hey I am sponsored by Turso, an edge database. I think they are pretty neet. Give them a try for free and if you want you can get a decent amount off (the free tier is the best (better than planetscale or any other))
MY MAIN YT CHANNEL: Has well edited engineering videos
Hey I am sponsored by Turso, an edge database. I think they are pretty neet. Give them a try for free and if you want you can get a decent amount off (the free tier is the best (better than planetscale or any other))
From $erverless To Elixir | Prime Reacts
ElixirConf 2022 - Alan Feuerlein - Selling Elixir
I can't wait to take down Production
TypeScript vs Elixir: An FP Showdown with Theo Browne | 021
Platform = Minutes Instead of Weeks
How Much Memory for 1,000,000 Threads in 7 Languages | Go, Rust, C#, Elixir, Java, Node, Python
Death By A Thousand MicroService | Prime Reacts
HTTP3 Is Eating The World | Prime Reacts
I Tried Elixir (i love it)
I'm Leaving Vim | Prime Reacts
Good behaviour: Cultivating Healthy Elixir Teams & Codebases | Meryl Dakin | Code BEAM America 2...
EMx 016: Hubert Lepicki: 'When to use Elixir language?'
Tools vs End User Experience
Why isnt Ocmaml more popular | Prime Reacts
Code That MURDERED 6 People | Prime Reacts
Think Twice Before Using Async Rust | Prime Reacts
You Have To See This Programming Language | Prime Reacts
Scaling Up Prime Video | Prime Reacts
FRAUD IN CODE With FTX | Prime Reacts
How OCaml Makes Ints Speedy | Prime Reacts
Java 21 Is Good?! | Prime Reacts
Prime Reacts: Building a Startup in Rust; I won't do it again
Deno Queues | Prime Reacts