How Long Do I Need to Abstain From Alcohol to Repair My Liver?

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Hear from Ria Health Addiction Specialist Dr John Mendelson on how long it takes for your liver to repair after you abstain from alcohol.

Ria Health delivers evidence-based care that includes medications, one on one support, a digital app, and progress tools. We support people who want to either reduce or stop drinking with the care of an expert medical team and community support.

We use safe and FDA-approved medications such as naltrexone, which is the cornerstone of the Sinclair Method. We also support not-for-profit advocates that promote awareness of options for people who want to change their relationship with alcohol. We are proud sponsors of Claudia Christian's CThree Foundation and Moderation Management.

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Over a year zero alcohol. Not even 1 beer.


i was drinking heavly and almost daily for many years, my liver is fine and my blood tests are normal but my brain is fried, severe depression, severe anxiety, insomnia, suicide thoughts, anhedonia.
I started my sobriety journey, im taking suplements for the brain vitamins and nutritional yeast, started to hit the gym again, i hope i can make it.


This was super helpful. I find it amazing how much information I have to sift through to find one person talking about Alcohol Related Hepatitis. I really had nothing to live for and spent a long time drinking vodka hard core. Recently felt a pain in my upper right abdominal quadrant but didn't quit drinking for almost 2 months. I thought it was a muscle thing. Turned out to be a swollen liver. My entire life view changed. I was scared straight. Suddenly I have things to live for. It's incredible what you start to think about when you believe you are facing death. I went to er, got ultrasound, I have Hepatic Steatosis. The alcohol induced Hepatitis may actually end up being my savior. I have since redesigned my diet, I have a strong reason to stick with it and I feel like I have something to live for. Hopefully my years of abuse haven't taken me too far and I can come back from my really poor behavior because even though the doc said, change diet, don't drink and I'll be fine, I still have some pain and that keeps me scared. I would like to fix my life but it's going to be a challenge.


5 years 6 months without any alcohol or smoking of any kind


1 month alcohol free! Was consuming 1 litre of vodka every weekend for around 2 years, liver test was getting borderline with stiffness but very little fat.


It’s good to see Danny devito on the right track and selling his bar paddy’s pub


your liver completely replaces it's self over about 7 years, so I think by that time you should be good providing no other problems, alcohol does all your organs though


3 years no alcohol and then back to it in two months, liver pain got back, stupid me.
