10 Best Bounty Hunter Weapons in Star Wars

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We take a look at some of the most dangerous and iconic pieces of kit used by bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy.

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Perhaps it is an impractical weapon for hunting, but a wrist-mounted flamethrower is a must for Street Cred & Cool Factor reasons.


Realistically I feel like very common blasters would be excellent for bounty hunters. Reason being the commonality would make parts and such very easily and cheaply sourced. Which would be important for a bounty hunter who’s out in the field for an extended period. The bounty hunter might not have access to an arms dealer to replace his primary or secondary weapon if it gets lost, damaged, or destroyed.


Vader: "no disintegrations, I want this one alive."

Din djarin looking at a Jawa through a scope: "are you sure about that?"


I like something like Cassian Andor's blaster. Can be configured into an assault rifle or sniper rifle as needed, or just kept as a pistol for ease of carry and concealment.


A good sniper rifle, preferably with metal bullets instead of plasma, or a dc15a. Powerfull, long range, precise. No need to get closer than neceserry, no need to empty an entire clip, when one well placed shot could do the job


I like the S-5 heavy blaster pistol used by the security forces on Naboo. Aside from being a blaster piston it has a dart launcher under the barrel. This launcher can fire a couple of different kinds of darts but can also fire a grappling hook with a liquid cable (to get to those hard to reach places). I think that kind of versatility would be something any bounty hunter would love to have in a weapon.


Slugthrower shotgun. Easy to maintain, portable, practical, and efficient
We have lasers, phasers, lethal light sticks, poison darts, missiles, flamethrowers, and magical space bullshit but nothing will ever beat the go to classic of properly applied buckshot dispensers
Good for anything between wiping out a squad of security agents to instant overwhelming a Space Wizards defense in a couple blasts.


What happened to Jango's Westar-34 blaster pistols anyways? I figured that Boba would have it on him during the events of the Mandalorian but it just seemed like it was gone.


When I saw Jango Fett kept firing at Mace Windu before he will lose his head along with Alan was saying that the Mandalorians use the flamethrowers to create the distance between themselves and the Jedi, why don't he use the flamethrower to force Mace Windu to stay away from him?


On the surface, it looks like a cortosis covered lightsaber hilt with claws to disarm opponents in CQC (Close-Quarters-Combat). But, in-reality, its used as a laser pointer to designate targets for the bounty hunter’s personal ship to autopilot to & attack…
The 3rd of those previously mentioned hilts has a vibro-blade attached, an actual vibro-sword, with a special coating to withstand lightsabers & deflect both blaster bolts & slug thrower slugs…


Westar 34s are just classics. They make jango even more unique.


some kind of portable railgun or a slugthrower sniper rifle would be great for star wars universe since portable deflector shields aren't a thing. Should work well against beskar as well as the jedi since they can't vaporize the bullet with their lightsabers quickly enough to make it harmless while it should be too fast to be stopped via Force.

And I'm talking a railgun that can blow up a 30 cm wide hole in you so no light wounds that the target can get away with


If I were a bounty hunter/mercenary in the Star Wars universe, I'd essentially want a modified Clone Commando set-up. I'd make adjustments to the Katarn-Class armor, use the DC-17m as my primary weapon, carry the DC-17m attachments (if necessary), and replace the DC-15s blaster pistol with the DC-17 heavy blaster pistol for my sidearm. With retractable vibro-blades hidden in the knuckle plates and the option to support a jet-pack, it's a more than capable and adaptable load-out to bring 'em in alive or dead/fight another man's war (for the right price).


My weapon of choice would definitely be the DL-44, best armor piercing blaster pistol that is only truly rivaled by the A280 series


And now we know how a Gaderffi is canonically made, and I think it’s pretty interesting.


Here's my own list:
GRS-1 Snare Rifle, it's the perfect weapon for bringing in your bounty alive.
CC-V 'Legion' Cryo Projector, with this gun you can freeze your bounties just like Mister Freeze, what's not to love?
Deck Sweeper Stunning Blaster, a bit bulky perhaps but a great weapon if you need to bring in multiple bounties alive.
The Farkiller, It's a lightsaber sniper rifle need I say more?
Ezra's Lightsaber Blaster, the saber could've used a few teaks to make the stun blasts more effective but it's still it's a good weapon with decent versatility.
Cal Kestis, Lightsaber, not use why more Jedi or Sith didn't use split sabers given how useful they can be.
DC-17m, it's a carbine, sniper rifle, and grenade launcher all rolled into one, you can't beat that!


I would say the grapple laso thing simply because on every TV or movie appearance it never misses. 100% hit rate. It either completely ensnares the target or momentarily slows them causing them to have to cut it off. Just have something else ready to shoot them when they are open.


Legends weapon the the noghri used, stoki stick/sprays (not sure what its called atm) good capture weapon


Strange to see a video that's unlisted show up in the uploads tab but idc i loved the video!


Ok cool and first. Though I prefer Earth made firearms with other Earth made weaponry over lightsabers & bounty hunter weapons from Star Wars lol.
