Senator warns not to apply for new IRS jobs

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Senate Republican Campaign Chair Rick Scott published an open letter encouraging job seekers to not pursue new IRS positions. He said Republicans, who hope to take control of Congress next year, will defund those jobs.

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Yah don't apply to a good job. stay home and collect unemployment. 😆🤣


Rick Scott looks like he eats babies for breakfast and puppies for dinner


Good, only his MAGA followers will not apply. That will leave the positions for people with common sense that will not hesitate to do what is required and expected of them no matter the political party. affiliation.


Can the federal government give tax exempt to the non-immigrants especially the non-immigrant spouses!

Also remove the SSA and Medicare for the non-immigrants since you don’t care about us! How can the noncitizens avail it!!!?

Make all non-immigrants tax exempt like Middle East!!!!


It would be a start for Americans to not FILE taxes. Bottom line is we are all taxpayers as we spend money in America. If you file a tax form the IRS will hold you to what you have committed to owing. Stop the contract by not filing! It truly is that simple. No law against not filing. I have not filled since somewhere around 1999. Find a law that says you must file and it is worth $10000 to the person who does so. That $10000 has been available since I tried to earn it back during the millennium. STOP filing and they will only bother you for up to 3 years post quitting to file. I dare you all and if you do welcome to the revolution! We need backbones, not spineless jellyfish, there is a war happening in America and we are taking on casualties, it is time to fight for all that is real and true! America was founded by dangerous men, we need dangerous leaders to lead by example. I just gave you one. I DARE you ALL. STOP Filing tax forms which is a binding agreement that you want to give your government your money. Taxation is theft. STOP IT NOW! Also, note to those Leary of the truth, since I do not file they have a special little box for me each year to put a check mark that says, "Check here if you do not file"! Answer me that, why would there be a specific place for me to respond to them every year and be 100% accepted? I have received Gov't Grants, student loans, and I'm usually top of the list for stimulus checks and I DO NOT FILE. I receive income from multiple sources yet I do not file EVER! Again, I DARE YOU ALL!
