Move Your SIM: T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T 5G Speed Test: Elsys AmpliMax Ultra vs Waveform 4x4 vs Stock

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Speed up your cellular internet, MOVE YOUR SIM! Elsys Amplimax Ultra 5G with AT Commands, TTL/HL settings, detailed cell metrics, band locking and more. Here's an outdoor mounted 5G Modem with integrated 4x4 MIMO Antenna that just has PoE Ethernet ran into the house for the best possible cellular data speeds for your home or RV internet. This uses a Qualcomm X62 modem and can do 5G carrier aggregation to get the best speeds possible. This unit has capabilities to work with Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T and the MVNO's like Tello, Mint, Cricket, Total, etc. Check out the playlist below for setup, testing and other videos. @wirelesshaven provided the unit for my testing. #5GModem #TechUpdate #speedtest

AT command to force 5G NSA:
for 5G SA: AT+QNWPREFCFG="nr5g_disable_mode",0

This Elsys Amplimax is ideal for camping, rural homes/agriculture, RV or anywhere you need a strong cell based internet service. Setup and very quick and simple. You need to purchase a data plan from a carrier of your choice and insert the sim card then you're good to go! Many companies offer a "tablet plan" and that is probably idea for this device, just check the terms and conditions for how much data/throttling they may have. Works with Verizon, AT&T, T-mobile, etc carriers.

USE COUPON CODE for $45 OFF : NaterTater

Be sure to see my other @verizon @ATT and @T-Mobile Home Internet Videos:

Additional items you may want to buy:

#thewirelesshaven #elsys #amplimax #5ginternet #tmobilehomeinternet #verizon5g #attAmazing
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AT command to force 5G NSA:
AT+QNWPREFCFG="nr5g_disable_mode", 1
for 5G SA: AT+QNWPREFCFG="nr5g_disable_mode", 0

Get 5% off @waveformhq antenna and signal booster products with this link: or just use code "NATERTATER" at checkout.

USE COUPON CODE for $45 OFF : NaterTater

Be sure to see my other @verizon @ATT and @T-Mobile Home Internet Videos:

Additional items you may want to buy:


I don't own a Cadillac but I like to see one driven and put through the tests. Same deal here. Very informative video as usual. Right now I'm satisfied with my stock set-up and happy to report that my performance has improved significantly over the last two or three months which must be to tower upgrades.


Brother, I just want to thank you for your content.

When starlink wouldn’t work here due to obstructions, and there being literally no landline broadband or fiber options available, I gave up. However… God pointed me to your channel a few days ago and for the first time in my life I’m seeing download speeds of 275 avg with spikes as high as nearly 400. Upload isn’t all that great, but I can fix that with a waveform which I also learned of thanks to you.

Dude, I watched YouTube vids at 4k earlier. Those who don’t understand just haven’t been in these shoes. Thank you, man, and God bless you and yours ❤


AT commands. I love it. Reminds me of modem days!


I thought of you when I first saw this Elsys product. Glad to see that you got it going. For those of you that are less technical, Richard at the Wireless Haven will step you through all the changes that need to be made. Note: A T-Mobile business SIM requires no setting and works out of the box.


I can't tell you how appreciative that you test equipment like this. I'm excited to get my Amplimax. I spent over 2 weeks trying to get my Waveform 4x4 mini to work well, and it simply wouldn't. Instead of trying the upgrade, I'm skipping that and getting the beast lol


I’ve been waiting for this video! Awesome results.
My amplimax arrived and I’m headed down to the cabin to install it next week.
If I can 50 down / 5 up I’ll be thrilled. I’m not counting on it because the T-Mobile signal is so weak, but I’m mounting it at the peak of an a-frame.

If it all goes well, I can cancel my att business unlimited, which is loaded with fees and threatens to disconnect the service if I get close to 25 GB in a month (for “abuse”).

ATT has a great signal but they just cost a lot.


Got the AmpliMax Ultra a few weeks ago and couldn't be happier! Massive speed increase over the Cheetah V1 and Waveform 4X4 combo. I don't get the speeds that Nater does, but considering I'm on the extreme edge of the T-Mobile service area, I'll take 100-150 down all day long! Thanks for the SA/NSA AT commands sir. They might come in handy! :)


Looks like you finally cracked it. Congrats on those great speeds.


All i have to say is THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
I didn't know about those commands for NSA only


From the Waveform guy over on Reddit:
"Just want to add a quick note here: only 2 of Elsys's antennas are actually directional. So while those two ports have decent gain figures, the other two antennas are omnidirectional. Given that n41 is 4x4, you're losing out on all the gain on two of the downlink paths with an Elsys device versus with our antenna.
The best option is probably one of our antennas with an outdoor modem, but those are unfortunately hard to come by."


You make the best videos. Thanks for the comprehensive review, was a lot of fun to watch.


My t-mobile was getting 500 in jun e now barely getting 35 downloads what happen why my speed dropped so much


I bought a waveform 4x4 pro w T-Mobile home. What a difference the performance is! Went from 75/2 mbps down/up to 500/13 mbps with ping times improvement of 60ms to 44ms. Thank you!


First off thank you for the video, I know there are some challenges for folks where they choose to live in a ultra urban or the areas up and down terrain can be a challenge for cell signals to reach. I bumped into this video in my recommended algorithm and since I’m in the cellular industry I couldn’t pass it up. Not to cast any shade at the owner of this channel but it is best practice to have a current body harness on and tethered to one of the dedicated anchors in the man lifts basket. Even if you’re driving the unit to where you’re going to first set up, or if you have a big enough lift, to use the hydraulics while driving to extend out the lifts wheelbase for the working at heights above 60’. The rental company must supply the harness if they know that you that you don’t have your own. I’m not judging anyone as i was guilty of making the same mistake 20 years ago thinking I didn’t need any of my equipment on for a job that had the shortest poles to work on. Twenty years ago I started climbing cell towers but in the area I worked we had a lot of commercial rooftops as well and that meant we worked out of a man lift basket religiously. My first year I was driving a 120’ lift over to the first antenna sector location and I saw one of these oversized speed bumps and I thought or rather didn’t think that let’s drive over it with some speed instead of controlling it as usual. Well, I almost was literally bucked out of the lift, fortunately the CM on-site didn’t see it. That episode shook some sense into me and when later down the road when I was forced to go to climbing school I finally realized just how dangerous everything I was doing was wrong and I was constantly putting my life in harms way. 4 years later I became a CM and helped guys in the years since. Sorry for the OSHA rant… question on the equipment installed on your dedicated rooftop mast. Does any of your antennas installation callouts for minimum separation from other equipment? In theory you should see even better scores on all systems with a minimum of 2’ of vertical separation tip to tip and 5’ of horizontal separation and a clear line of site for optimal performance. I’ve had jobs where they have had some outside interference and we had to have a 3rd part come in and use specialty equipment to sniff out offenders. Some good examples are some idiot using a cell jammer looking for a crazy steep FCC fine, or a cable companies coax amp leaking RF, and my favorite a hotel rooms alarm clock oscillating and spewing RF junk frequencies out in the ether. The reason I mentioned this is the RF engineers I basically worked for demanded a 5’ separation unless physical constraints wouldn’t allow it. I personally was fed up with WIFI issues at my old house where everyone was on the same 2.4 GHz channels and challenged myself to fill all my issues. In my two story I ended up finding a spot on top of my kitchen cabinets which shared a wall with my garage. I mid-entered the incoming coax and installed a 12”x12” gateway box where I could cleanly network all of my room outlets for the whole house. Then I used a utility phone app to investigate everyone’s service and determine what channels to choose on 2 & 5 gig networks an after that tweak how much of the spectrum to use if I was getting any noise. After all was said and done I was able to stream Netflix over DSL which was big dream before I took the time to rework the whole setup and I was very happy with the final results. Point to point microwave installation has even more strict guidelines but that’s a story for one other time. Thanks again for your videos


These videos are great for learning about methods to improve signal strength. The problem for many of us is the severe deprioritization that T-Mobile imposes for hours a day at many locations. It's not that helpful to me that I can tweak everything and get 300 Mbps DL at 5 am when T-Mobile cuts me down to 4 Mbps from 4 to 10 pm.


How many years do you think we might see a $200 price range on a 5G cellular POE antenna with Elsys Amplimax Ultra speeds?


Very informative and helpful. Thank you!! What about the special settings that I hear we need to plug in to maximize speeds with T-Mobile. Such as adjusting the MTU and MSS, etc. I did what you and WirelessHaven instructed but not near the connection speeds and I'm less than a quarter mile from the tower. My speed tests are like 150x25. Also, you should put a change link on your link list for a 50', outdoor certified, FLAT, cat8 cable. This way it can be ran thru a window instead of drilling holes.


Does the elsys unit work with the black home internet unit for T-Mobile. FAST 5688W


Thanks for your videos. We just changes our cell service from Verizon to T-Mobil and the 5G service is way better in our area. I decided to try their home internet for $35/month in hopes of ditching our Comcast which is around $150/month. With the standard T-Mobile gateway I'm not too impressed, so I might try one of these Elsys units. I figure even if it's $700, it will pay for itself in 7 months. Not sure I'll be able to mount it very high, but should improve over what the T-Mobile device does. Wife is leery of changing over to cellular based
