How Safe Is Food From Home-Based Businesses? | Talking Point | Full Episode

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Home-based food businesses have at least tripled in numbers since the pandemic. But in August 2021, 47 people fell ill after consuming food from a home-based bakery. It was the first reported case of mass food poisoning involving a home-based food seller.

So how safe is the food we buy from home-based businesses? Talking Point puts some of our favourite dishes through a food safety test, and throws sellers a surprise inspection to find out.

About the show: Talking Point investigates a current issue or event, offering different perspectives to local stories and revealing how it all affects you.
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This is actually a very relevant issue because food safety is one of the things most Singaporeans take for granted or don’t think about when ordering food from anywhere. So it would help to be more mindful to practice better food storage or hygiene measures when handling or selling food to others.

Defrosting your frozen food in the bathroom and bedroom is a BIG RED FLAG cos there would be traces of people’s hair/sweat/other bodily fluids that can easily contaminate the food ingredients. Keeping frozen food out in the open for too long is the worst since it has a very high moisture level that can easily breed bacteria.

While I agree that inspections shouldn’t be a norm for home based-businesses, there should be a better way to regulate or adopt safe food handling practices.


I don't think it would hurt to have an inspector come out, when you open your business and make sure the basics are covered because, like this lady, she learned something new and how will someone know what is a possible hazard, if nobody tells them


You know your country is so safe and relatively news-free when the topic in a news channel’s show is about a cake😂


Most home based business on Instagram would only show their food/bakes pics closed up but will never ever show their kitchen where food are prepared. If they show, sure no business Liao. 😂


It will be good to have them licensed and have surprise inspections to ensure food safety for the public's consumption.


I hope the authorities will make it a must for home based F&B business to be subjected to inspection every 6 - 12 months n award then the level of hygiene like hawkers. Home based business owner has to post their hygiene grade for customers to make an informed decision.


Last year, I used to order meals from home based business. Initially it was good and clean.

As time goes by, I had frequent stomach problems with its foods and salads - that's one of the reasons I stopped ordering.
Soups were cold and foods tasted off - don't know how long she kept it.

That's why home based foods may not be safe for some foods. I suggest Singapore Food Agency should have some guidelines to food hygiene and safety checks for home based business too.


I guess now people who are considering to start a home-based businesses have to be more cautious and what they plan to sell is very crucial as well


Special certificate of hygiene for home-based business is the best way to control and monitor the hygiene and safety for food..
This special certificate also will give more confident to consumer to purchase the product of home-based business and give more benefit to home-based business owner
Win-win situation


Tiramisu contains raw egg as an ingredient. It depends on the recipe if the baker will double boil it or not. Most recipes don’t cook it


Problem is the word homemade is perceived wrongly by people as healthier and safer options.

Just like other words such as no MSG, brown sugar, zero fat, low carbs etc.

As consumers, don't blindly fall for these words. Do your own research.


Yes I would never order homemade food due to above hygiene and safety reasons. Better to be safe than sorry esp now Covid super dangerous


Be it home base or store base. So long consumer dont look at how the food is prepared, no ones gonna question them.


Rubbish lah. "relying on income, might kill off this income flow for them" What kind of lousy moral-guilt-empathy excuse is that?
If it was so unsafe to the point that it gets shut down, shouldn't income or not be secondary? Unless you mean to say they should be allowed to sell even if it risks food poisoning people who ate it lah. Which is so unreasonable. Poor sellers income more important than people's life ah?

Generally safe.. till something happens or you lucky draw and pick the wrong seller. Then what happens? Sue for damages? Negligence? Dead already sue got use? So how? Leave it unregulated and depend on luck? If we could constantly rely on the seller's knowledge of hygiene, diligence in practice and honesty, or to unfairly forgo the duty of care and rely on buyers' to check their own purchase, then there would not have been laws for food licensing even for store businesses already loh. By same logic: Why you cannot check your own food got rat droppings or not at the hotpot restaurant?

Such sellers must be held responsible both in ensuring they commit to good practices, and when food poisoning cases actually occur. This responsibility should not be forsaken in the name of "pity" and "supporting locals who lost their jobs". Laws are updated to keep up with the times and protect the interest of society. Not rely on word of mouth and expect buyers to check their own food.


HBB are usually run by the owner (1 person) and he/she has an interest in the outcome of the business. Stores are usually done by employees (a couple of them) and one should know employees' attitude and owners' attitude are different.


Im curios about the problematic eggs now, might be worth an episode?


let's face the fact that demands can go up and down based on season and internet popularity. when orders rise, that is when manpower and food preparation can go haywire for any HBB. very foreseeable problem. consumers just have to be smart and choose wisely. better if you cook for yourself at home. if you know the hard truths about f&b, then you wouldn't really want to eat outside.


interesting to note about the egg placement but are the designs of egg drawers in fridge usually at the top?


another excellent programme from CNA 👍👍


wow CNA really did a good job with this video. keep up the good job!
