Compacting and Optimisating - Shapez 2 MAM Build EP08

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In this episode of our Shapez 2 MAM build, after realising our MAM's performance is extremely slow, we assess how we can redesign some sections to be more space efficient. In this episode we re-order out operations to minimise fluid input and optimise shape selection

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'someone said I talk to much' I like your talking, it shows your thinking of the whole process. And when you say things like 'I lost my brain' it make me chuckle - never change who you are it's what makes your videos personal to you 🙂


I love how you always take the advice of the comments on board and light heartedly, its great


The shape codes are:
R = Rectangle
C = Circle
S = Star
W = Wedge


Another great video!
At (21:11 - 21:13) wire was disconnected from second layer because they behave like conveyors when crossing layers they can't be split to the side only vertically


Just wanted to say I'm very new to this genre and only about 25 hours into this game and I'm loving this series. It's fascinating hearing you talk through the logic and I love seeing you redesign and rebuild. I can't wait to see it all come together!


Looks good. Much neater than before. It's going to be interesting to see everything connected.


20:00 - look right in front of the jumper; you can put trash and the divider facing left; the circuit reaches every layer and the middle road becomes straight.


I would be lying if I didn't shout a few times during this video. Nevertheless it was pretty entertaining :)
The very intensive job you had to do on the pipes/wires to be working on mixing box 2, 3 and 4, could easily have been ignored, if you just shifted the pipes either up and down (color dependent) at the far left end on box 1, so it would match the "untouched" input to the next box. No need to be re-piping or re-cabling every next box.
My next "brainfart" was..ok, you are making 3 pipes of a specific-on-demand color pr box. Why not just bring in 3 pipes of each color pr box and do the logic pipe switching that way. Premix all in advance (saves time) and probably 80% of the space you just used. Hope this helps.


at 1:27:09 about switching the pipes on the second platform. You know that one pipe has 4x throughput than the jumpers and the gates? You could just have all jumpers connect to one pipe going across the platform and the gate at this single pipe.


for the quadrant selectors, you coulve removed the jumpers to the bypass, this way you could still route belt 2 to slot 1, 3>2 4>3, and keep the modularity.
the "first platform" couldve been split up in two (one logic, one selector. this way the blueprint couldve been as simple as possible and keep it's modularity too, where only the logic foundation needed to change


Just thought id let you know there’s settings on some for the logic gates so instead of doing an equal gate and then a not gate you can change the setting of the equal gate to just be a not equal gate. Hope that helps :D


Allan, Thanks for the shout out. There's a huge flaw in your design though: You have a 10k l/m space belt that you think is feeding twelve 7.2k pipes... BUT each pipe is going through a single 1800 l/m fluid launcher at the door. That is your bottleneck. That is your choke point. On your shape asteroids, in the extractor, there are 4 pumps that feed the shape cable (aka belt). On your platforms, you need 4 fluid pumps (aka launchers) to feed the fluid cable (aka pipe). Each fluid launcher hop in the room just reiterates this choke point. Band the 4 launchers into one pipe and then route them up a floor just like what you do when not duplicating logic circuitry and tracing wires. 3 pipes will pass through 21k l/m, and you can "peel" off any paint you need inside the room.

THIS IS NOT A SYMETRIC BUILD. THIS IS NOT A SINGLE FLOOR TESSELATION. *Don't use hoppers*. Route Blue pipes on the third floor. Green pipes on the 2nd floor, and red pipes on the first floor. Move up and down accordingly. On the third-floor, route the green and red pipes along the south wall and give yourself as much room to work with blue as possible. On the First-floor, green and blue go along the north wall.

Mixers have 2 inputs: Blue always goes top. Red always goes bottom. Green connects to both inputs but is gated for bottom if the color is cyan. (yellow top, white top)

The final edits of deleting pipes on later platforms is bad. It should always be 12 lanes banded into 3 pipes in, and 12 lanes/3 pipes out.


I thought pipe throughput allowed for 4 inputs to be merged into 1 pipe, so instead of using 3 levels you can take your 3 inputs, merge all to the bottom level, then split them back out to 3 outputs at the end.


Do the fluid jumpers have the same throughput as the mixers? If they are lower throughput, then it may be worth having multiple jumpers per pipe. For example (using made up numbers), if the mixing array needs to take in 300 units of paint, and the jumpers only jump 100 units at a time, then splitting the pipe into 3 jumpers, then re-merging on the other side ensures that the mixers are being supplied a steady 300 units without interruption.


I haven't noticed earlier also why the order of operations is important.
Now I think the best option is to build each quarter isolated and separately literally all 4 layers then use the switcher (idk if they break the crystal) to merge them.
I guess if you're building in quarters you can also optimize and build 2 quarters at the same time in oposite corners.


I don't quite understand why mixing the colours on demand was the better choice here, rather than just picking off a colour for each corner from your already existing space belts of every colour in the same reformatted way you did the shape corner picker


You are processing 3 belts of full shape. you have 3 layers available. 3 = 3. Filter, Paint/bypass and Cut a single belt per layer.
Painting a single shape would only take one pair of mixers per secondary color and plus one pair for white. With good piping you can just feed all mixers and only gate the mixers output into a single pipe for the painters. (per layer)
Remember, mixers only consumes half of it's inputs, so a single jumper can feed one side of a pair of mixers.

btw, Good show. You are the most entertaining factory fumbler around. CW vs CCW, losing your brain at least once per episode, can't hold shift key, it's so bad it's great. Hah


In your final color picker, you have missed the red unmixed color in the output for the top left square.


for the shape codes the r is probably rectangle and the w is probably a different shape from the first game called a windmill which they just changed to an emerald edit: nvm the w is for wedge


Always feed your RGB to all the mixers and the the throughput line.
Shut down everything after the mixer and the main throughput.
If you ARE the color I need. Allow to pass.

For anything shape, paint or process to - Always come through but if your not what I need. Stop at this point.
It would be easier.
Think about it like this. Your not letting things through.
Your stopping what you don't want and you can get away with 1 not gate.
