Naruto and Sakura ~ EveryTime We Touch``

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I love Naruto and Sakura together

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Sakura is really gorgeous i don't know why people doesn't love her


Though I like naruhina, narusaku is much more natural. Narusaku can be jolly, lazy, serious and charming. They were so perfect together.


No offence, Naruhina and Sasusaku ruined the storyline and tons of fans agree ngl. Why did kishimoto even do this? Make us cry and ship Narusaku just so we could see it sink and also so we could see naruto marry a girl he never loved and sakura marry a boy who tried to kill her 3 times! Because of this, I quit watching and I refuse to watch boruto too.


Naruto and Sakura would’ve made a great couple. Sucks that we couldn’t see them together


this ship is the most logical of the whole series


Tôi đã rất mong có một cái kết như vậy... họ xứng đáng ở bên nhau. Naruto dùng cả thanh xuân để yêu Sakura, và đến cuối Sakura đã thật sự yêu Naruto. Tiếc thật..


Sasusaku - Toxic relationship
Naruhina - Forced relationship
Narusaku - Perfect relationship
Btw if i hurt anyone’s feeling than
I'm sorry... Cz i thing that way 🦊❤️🌸


The best couple of anime Naruto and Sakura


l love narusaku só cute amazing narusaku foever 🌸🌸💖💗💖💗💖


Naruto and Sakura are so cute together


The way these two call each other name
The chemistry they have


Love this ship soo much, still ship them even tho they already have children lol. They had good chemistry and Sakura is like Kushina ya know, Kushina once said, find someone like her.


~sighs~ Unfortunately…after all of the tremendous development between Naruto and Sakura in Shippuden, Kishimoto decided to end the series in an ass pull. Realistically, Naruto should’ve gotten w/ Sakura. I’m a die hard fan of this couple. They literally equal each other out and I don’t mean in a yin and yang fashion. (This is the Hinata x Naruto argument) Sakura had gone through major growth in the series. While she’s willfully and physically strong; her emotional nature was always weak and childish in a sense. She’s a pretty analytical character, but an honest one as well. (She hid all of her embarrassment and fluttery moments behind anger) But Naruto helped her to balance that out perfectly. They both were literally perfect for one another. Sakura learned to trust in Naruto’s ideals, dreams, and wishes. She literally held his heart in her hand and was always there for him. They had a excellent friendship which was the perfect basis for an actual relationship. Naruto had Sakura in mind for years and he trusted her to really know him. Kishimoto….I will never forgive him and stupid ass studio “parrot” for their Hinata worship. Literally they pulled whatever they could out of their asses to justify hooking Naruto up w/ Hinata. The Last Naruto movie was fuckery…utter fuckery. I refuse to acknowledge such trash. The characters were just not themselves. I understand people change and move on, but to try and cheapen Naruto’s affection for Sakura was low. Naruto had an interest in Sakura before Sasuke entered the scene. She attracted him and throughout the years he grew to find her amazing, smart, and he appreciated her even more. To say that Naruto was only attracted to Sakura, because of a petty rivalry only cheapens his character. I don’t think he’s was that type of person. He’s done too much for her and struggled too hard for it to be a flimsy crush. If anything Naruto’s proven not to be shallow.

They were the only people to bring each other into blushing, stuttering, and bashful moments. Their smiles were authentic for each other. Naruto through the series mentions his love for her and he’s not Goku. He wasn’t ignorant about it, even when he was young. Naruto the series present many different types of bonds of love. Sakura was actually warming up to him and I believe really liked him. Possibly loved him. Yet when she confessed he didn’t believe her. He might’ve seen it for what it was and didn’t want to lose sight of catching Sasuke. I think she was sincere, but it had a two fold purpose. In their case I think Sakura feels she doesn’t deserve him and Naruto is incapable to a point of accepting it. A lot of people only see Naruto’s smile, but he’s a complicated character who hides behind a cheery demeanor. Plus he’s a Libra they seem charming and accessible…until you get too close and then you find out you never had a chance. He flirted, wore her down, and etc…w/ Sakura for years, but when she confessed he shut her down….Libra shit right there. (Hypocrite) (Also, it’s noticeable enough for outside characters to comment on it.)

Kishimoto sucks at creating and sustaining healthy relationships. Sakura was reverted back to a twelve year old fangirl…when realistically she was starting to develope past that. Instead Kishi…trashed all of her pride, common sense, and dignity by having her accept Sasuke unconditionally. Which is fucking insane. A man who she barely knows that’s tried to kill her several times, and talks down to her like she’s a dog. He constantly tells her he has no interest. Hell..if I didn’t know better I think Sasuke was gay, demi-sexual, or asexual, because he had better chemistry w/ Naruto, then he ever would w/ her. For a person who wanted to rebuild his clan he certainly didn’t like females. They were below him.

The real Sakura, not the warped cannon ending one would’ve punched Sasuke’s ass to the moon and told him to f*** himself. That crappy ass sorry wouldn’t have cut it. Plus in that crappy “The Last” movie Naruto didn’t even notice Hinata until a genjutsu scene. For years he never noticed her. How can a guy who’s chased one female for years suddenly switch up??? He got everything, but his girl. Sakura and Naruto did not have a fully platonic relationship. It was in a grey area and there was too much chemistry there for a “sibling bond”. When Naruto defeated Pein Sakura hugged him in a very intimate way to thank him. In Japan that would’ve been considered very open. They believe in private relations like hugs and kisses behind doors. That’s why the crowd was staring at them that way. Rewatch it and see. There was so many ways for them to get together. The whole henge as Sasuke scene in the original Naruto where Naruto told Sakura he wanted to kiss her lovely forehead was epic. That was smooth shit for a 12 yr. old. That could’ve been a Chekov gun moment, but noooo nobody used it or bought it up again. Sakura’s crush is based on a lie, because she fell for the so called “Sasuke” harder after that. When it was really Naruto all along. I never understood for someone so unpredictable and brash, Naruto could never just tell Sakura how he felt. So many things could’ve been done, but no.

I use to like Hinata, but now I’m indifferent on a good day. She was cool when she had a purpose and drive. Naruto inspired her cool. He inspired a lot of other people to. Her one sided crush was comedy and cute, but that’s all it is a one sided crush. She really doesn’t know Naruto beyond her starry eyed version of him. She’s never struggled w/ him, seen him at his best and worst, and Hinata weak disposition would never really satisfy Naruto’s desire for mischief and fiery moments. That’s his and Sakura’s relationship in a nutshell playful and fiery. Hinata would never knock Naruto down a peg when he gets too cocky or egocentric, but Sakura would. That’s the difference. Poor Neji was a sacrificial lamb to bond Naruto x Hinata. Hinata would’ve been better off trying to save her disgrace of a clan. Hinata’s nature could’ve been a benefit for implementing change in the Hyuga's barbaric system. If she ever even cared, but she was weak and selfish through and through. Neji would’ve been wonderful if he lived. I bet the only thing she ever did right was marrying the next Hokage, because her clan is now guaranteed royalty for future generations. Anyway…I like to think Naruto married her, because she’d love him enough for both of them and for a political upgrade. Literally….and Kishimoto seems to actually hate Sakura…so he turned her into a brainwashed doll w/ no mind of her own and now she’s a ridiculously sad housewife. W/ no actual husband, because Sasuke can’t be bothered…you know..because of thug life and Sarada actually asked questions we all were dying to. I still think she’s Karen’s daughter. Sasuke doesn’t fuck anything it seems for someone who wants to “resurrect” his clan. (Doesn’t deserve shit actually, but kishi’s his bitch so…) Naruto stays aways from his family, because deep down inside he’s unhappy and is tired of faking. (He’s became what he hated) They all got their dreams and it tastes like ash…you know be careful what you wish for.

I think Madara won. SO there’s still fanfiction, art, and etc…because I’m so done and there’s only therapy at this point


This should have been it... I mean who willing keep the same love for a traitor and someone who's not around at all. Narusaku a loyal man like no other.


Sakura:I love you naruto

Naruto:I tought it was sasuke



When I see videos like this, it breaks my heart! As a child, I watched Naruto, and the fact that he liked Sakura was very cute to me. So for years, it was ingrained in my mind that they were meant for each other! Then, years later as a teenager, I had the opportunity to watch Naruto again. I had never watched Shippuden, so the characters' future was unknown to me. Still, I always thought that they were meant for each other, you know what I mean? I've felt this way since my childhood! And then, in the end, I learned that he married Hinata. OMG, I can't describe how I felt in that moment. It was a shock! ...
But anyway this video is so beautiful and it makes me smile🧡🩷🫶


I want naruto and Sakura to be together I NEED TO SEE A PINK HAIR BABY BOY


Naruto and sakura would have been a more believable couple than Naruto and hinata becuz Naruto and hinata came out of no where


I also wanted that.. NARUTO AND SAKURA TOGETHER 💖🥀.


I can't believe they forced naruto to end up with Hinata, a girl he doesn't really love in the first place.
