What happens if you bring Jaheira and Minsc to Viconia

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Jaheira: I am wise enough to know I am not wise, so I shall interfere.
Minsc: and Minsc is simply not wise at all, therefore he is the wisest!
*Viconia takes 3d4 psychic damage and has disadvantage on her next attack*
*Jaheira saves against whatever the hell that was*


Good on Boo for handling all those adds, make the fight so much easier.


They really did my BG2 drow waifu dirty in this segment. I know that her "reformation arc" (especially from the ToB) isn't canon, but still. To have somebody risk their whole life to escape a cruel, dogmatic, overcontrolling religion to save one's family; and then turn her into a cruel, dogmatic, overcontrolling zealot who opresses other families is just a character assasination


This is the perfect fight for Shadowheart’s divine intervention. Unsure if this was fixed in patch 4 but due to Shadowheart instantly dying upon using Sunder the Heretical due to the ridiculous damage from all the radiant retorts, the game fails to register her Divine Intervention as actually being used, so once Shadowheart is healed, she can use Divine Intervention again on her next turn, go down, get healed, then divine intervention again, rinse and repeat. It makes one of the harder fights in the game fairly trivial as long as you can get Shart up before her next turn. Plus seeing Shart take like 3 thousand damage in a turn is hilarious


She escaped the death of her entire house by the Do’Urdens only to die later in baldurs gate 3. Lolth is pleased in the end.


I got to act 3, killed DeVir, then recruited Minsc. For some reason the game gave me the dialogue option "So how was it seeing Viconia again?" but he wasn't even a companion yet.


Honestly I kinda feel sorry for Viconia. She's been manipulated and lied to by her goddess, her need for validation driving harsher and crueler demands and it all ends up for naught. All she wanted was Shar's love but Shar can never give that, there is no love in Shar. I find this fate quite tragic. She was so twisted up, so deranged from all Shar had made her think she had to do, what hope did she really have? She's not sane, not any more. And yeah, I did romance her in bg2 and always liked her as an interesting flawed character, but it's been a long time since 2 happened and that's a lot of time for Shar to get her claws in. Shar did this to her, and it's really really sad.


I’m not gonna lie hearing Viconia shouting Shar like in the old games giving me goosebumps


If you think about it, Viconia saved the lives of all the party characters in BG3. She sent Shadowheart to get the artifact, which caused the githyanki to attack your ship looking for it, which set off the whole adventure. If she hadn't, who knows where the artifact might've ended up. It certainly wouldn't have been with you and the party, which would mean you'd be just more Absolute cultists.

While it is a shame that they took V in such a Heel Turn direction, without any chance to guide things more favorably, they didn't want her to overshadow the New Viconia (Shadowheart), nor did they want to downplay Shar as an antagonist (which would've happened if all her servants decided to play nice). V was still of critical importance to the game and was the very first individual who made choices that lead to your ultimate chance at victory. So: regardless of if she likes it or not, she's an honorary member of the team.


Shit... Viconia really got shafted in this game. Minsc and Jaheira may not like her now very much (even though Viconia always respected Jaheira and Jaheira wasn't lawful good enough to hate her), but they were in the same party for 2 games and they got very little to say to each other. Besides, Viconia was never a zealot. She worshipped Shar because her house got destroyed by enemies and she was forced out of her own home.


All I can think of while watching this is "wow, Viconia, she got old." As elves don't look aged until they are near the end of their lifespan, she must be around the 700 year mark. She may have missed the redemption arc from bg2, but at least she lived a looong time.


iirc, viconia literally had her memories and self hollowed out by shar? that was the implication I got, so makes sense she's "lost" a lot; lost whatever development she got in parties in bg2 (makes sense since the bhaalspawn is of indeterminate gender and viconia won't romance women without mods), lost her younger looks, lost just about everything and was still tasked with grooming her successor, mostly just so shar could be a petty bitch to selûne. like she isn't done dirty because larian wanted to stick it to og duology fans, shes done dirty because that's generally what the lady of loss does. (been playing since the original versions, although didnt play when they were first released because they didnt make a baldur's gate that could be played by a newly fertilised embryo)


the fuck, that's Viconia!? well shit, looks like they went for the BG1 rendition.. she deserves better than that.


died a dozen times before laying Spike Growth, Silence, Cloudkill and then running to the staircase. Had archers and cantrips to pick off the trapped rats


Thanks for doingh this. May not be the ideal group, but that dialogue is precioua. I wish there had been some kind of redemption arc - I liked her in BG2.


I really dislike what they did with Viconia. She went from the snarky ride or die woman that helped me slaughter my way through the Sword Coast all the way to Amn, to generic villian # 4. I miss having that Drow duchess in my party.


The sentient amulet has dialogue about Shar and Viconia if you bring him there


I kinda wish that the Origin characters were voiced if you choose to play as them.


i could never kill her, she raised my baby emo shadowheart ❤


I didn't even realize I was supposed to know this person.
