3 Tips Anyone Can Use To Instantly Look More Attractive

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These are the three body language tips that anyone can use to be more attractive!
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Now, here are your three body language tips, plus a bonus, to instantly be more attractive! Like it or not, people are making snap decisions about you all the time and oftentimes, they do it without even letting you speak. Quite frankly, you do the same thing to them which is why in this video, Valentine's Day is coming so, we're going to do three subtle things that you can do to be more attractive with your body language — nothing to do with what you're saying. So I'm just gonna jump right into it; the first one is something that people do wrong and that is T-Rex arms. I'm gonna illustrate this with the story because I think it's the easiest way and it was one of the most vivid ways which I learned it. I was in Las Vegas with a friend of mine. I lived there; he came in to visit and if you've ever been to a Las Vegas Club, it can be overwhelming.
So we got into this club, it was just the two of us, were not drinking, and he's not from there so, instantly, I see his body language lock down and he starts to get uncomfortable. To his credit, he starts to walk up, he sees a group of women, he walks up and says hello, and it didn't go well; his lack of confidence shines through and they disappear within pretty much 15-30 seconds. So I said, "It's alright, man. Don't sweat it. We'll have fun on the dance floor." We go to the dance floor and the same lack of confidence is shining through; he's not moving very much. He's kind of dancing in this little box like a T-Rex.
0:19 First body language that's done wrong is the T-Rex arms
2:25 Second body language that's done wrong is the seeking behavior
5:48 When groups go out
7:16 As a bonus body language tip, smiling
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