Desiccation and radiation resistance of extremophiles

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In this lecture, Dr Petra Rettberg of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne, describes the latest laboratory data on these tough but difficult to grow microorganisms.

Extreme environments are characterized by physical and chemical parameters which were considered lying outside the range which is suitable for life. In recent years, the notion of what constitutes life-limiting conditions in an environment has undergone dramatic changes: microorganisms and occasionally higher organisms were discovered, which not only tolerate, but thrive under ranges of temperatures, pH values, pressures, salinity, ionizing radiation etc.
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Astro/Exo-biology - One of my fav science topics. Yet ESA quality is usually awful. Basically stopping to watch at the 1st few mins.
I'm european and it saddens me to see how NASA's youtube content is light years ahead with video/sound quality. Even people with webcams can do better. Why bother posting if people stop watching in few mins.
Thumbs Up for the topic, but ....
