Anecdote of a Criminal - Anecdotes from ‘The Conference of the Birds’

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The third bird said to the Hoopoe: 'I am full of faults, so how shall I set out on the road? Can a dirty fly be worthy of the Simurgh of the Caucasus? How can a sinner who turns away from the true path approach the King?’ The Hoopoe said: 'O despondent bird, do not be so hopeless, ask for grace and favour. If you so lightly throw away the shield your task truly will be difficult.'

A man guilty of many sins repented bitterly and returned to the right path. But in time, his desire for the things of the world returned stronger than ever, and he again surrendered himself to evil thoughts and acts. Then sorrow wrung his heart and reduced him to a miserable state. Again he wished to change his attitude, but had not the strength to do so. Day and night as a grain of wheat in a hot pan, his heart could not keep still, and his tears watered the dust. One morning, a mysterious voice spoke to him: 'Listen to the Lord of the World. When you repented the first time I accepted your penitence. Though I could have punished you I did not do so. A second time when you fell into sin I gave you a respite, and now even in my anger I have not caused you to die. And today, O fool, you acknowledge your perfidy and wish to return to me a third time. Return then, to the Way. I open my door to you and wait. When you have truly changed your attitude your sins will be forgiven.'


These narrations from Farid-ud-din Attar’s Magnum Opus, ‘Mantiq-ut-Tayr’, translated as The Conference of the Birds or The Canticle of the Birds in English, aim to espouse the marvel in a series of anecdotes to play a role in spreading this beautiful miracle of literature that humans have inherited.

This is from C. S. Nott’s version which itself is a literal and direct translation into English from Gracin De Tassy’s French translation of Mantiq-ut-Tayr. Despite the fact that it is a second hand translation, C. S. Nott’s version can not be regarded as disengaging. I hope you enjoy this Episode wise Audiobook.


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