Amelia vs One-One! Book 4 Train Announcements Explained - Infinity Train

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Infinity Train Book 4 featured three key moments featuring Amelia and One, that conveys the timeline of their partnership absolving as One is overthrown by his human companion, through the eyes of Ryan and Min-Gi. What happened in between One's announcement and Amelia's announcement? Was Simon and Grace actually right about One-One?


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Hosted by: Kevin Williams
Edited by: Joshua Criger & Kevin Williams

Graphics by CabooseJr

Artwork by Kaitrin Snodgrass, Nikki Thompson & Kitsune Zakuro!

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Ugh I miss infinity train so much. Just want it finished. SMH Cartoon Network


So they killed the show 1 season before Amelia got the light she deserved? I didn’t think I could get my heart broken even more


One doesn’t seem really evil. More like Lawful Nuetral, following the rules no matter what.


If infinity train doesn’t get picked up by cn, adult swim would be a perfect new home for the show


We still need to do everything to mainstreamize this show, so Warner cant kill our sweet child


I'm pretty sure Amelia said "I'm just trying to keep One at bay" so One-One wouldn't ruin her chances of making a new Alrrick, but I do agree that she did care about the other passengers having individualism before she took over.


*_[alright, if CN and HBO truly stick to their word and DON'T renew Infinity train (like absolute monsters) I think I might need my own infinity train forced therapy session]_*


Owen Dennis deserves to have eight seasons and a movie! ♾🚂


that "turning point" mentioned that would make Amelia completley lose trust in One could be One murdering somebody - in a reddit AMA Owen Dennis revealed that either One, Amelia, or Samantha would murder someone in book five, so it would make a lot of sense for the real murderer to be One given the scenes we have.
I honestly hope that book five will/would've gone in this route because it'd make Amelia's takeover a lot more complicated and her motivations more understandable. it would also raise a lot of intresting questions about whether or not Amelia was right to take over the train in the first place and if the current heirarchy of the train (One One being in charge) is the right one. (after all, with the train being a thing that people can literally die on, is it right to leave One One in charge of it, given his past? or since he's AI? or since he's only one individual? of course this isn't even touching on the question of if the train itself is a good thing in the first place.)
goodness it's so fun to think about, and after the horrors of season three I have no doubts that Owen Dennis and everyone else working on Infinity Train would be willing to go in such a dark direction, and one that completley changes how we think of One and Amelia.


Book 5 and/or 6 would show amelia on her adventures with hazel. It shows flashbacks on her getting on the train and taking control of the train. Its also going to show her pain, struggle, and the dynamic between her and hazel. I gotta say when an Amelia themed Book is coming out it will be really interesting.


Let’s go Infinity Train! We’re all hoping with you Owen!!!


at this point it would be strange of cn to not renew it since they know there is a demand for a new season and cn not capitalizing on this would be strange


Wait, if you stop the video at 9:51, you'll see Amelia ripping One-One apart, which, I think, must have created his split personality as he was rebuilding himself.


Something I noticed while rewatching The Chrome Car the other day that really struck me was that One One’s reflection has the voice and personality of One. Idk what it means but it’s really cool.


I never realized that Amelia was likely going to the college to jump off the roof?! That is a terrifyingly sad detail. Now I feel even worse for Amelia. ;-;


hhhh thinking about what we could’ve gotten in book 5 hurts my soul. especially bc amelias my favorite character


I didn't notice that Amelia was still wearing the boots in the past as well before she took over. I'm so curious to know what happened and what's up with the shoes


Odd how reviews of Book 4 tend to gloss over the revelation that the Infinity Train exists within a POCKET DIMENSION that runs on a parallel time stream to that of the passengers' dimension!


I think that Amelia's usurp is connected to how the Ghoms were made. We have seen no Ghoms in Book 4 despite seeing their presence in all other books, and the Book 5 storyboards as well as Owen Dennis confirmed that we were going to get more info about the Ghoms in Book 5. And while Amelia did care about humanizing people and her actions by taking off the shoes were probably what she thought was the best she can do, she falls to the same pit as One when she took over the train without the consent of the passengers, which can end up having negative effects (eg: Reiterating Ryan's trauma and increasing his number, or potentially endangering other passengers). So we were supposed to get the creation of the Ghoms in Book 5, and I have a few theories.

First is that Amelia accidentally created them during her experiments to make Alrick and let them loose before she usurps One, which ends up creating their conflict. Second and more likely, Amelia successfully made Alrick/a proto-Alrick (possibly the turtle in the storyboards), and this angers One. One kills this experiment, which leads to their battle. In the heat of the moment, One creates a Ghom to kill Amelia, yet ends up losing the orb and getting defeated. Him killing her first experiment would set her off into a bitter vengeance quest for 33 years and also make it sensible for her to angrily rip him apart into two.

But in the end, I think that Amelia again fell into One's lack of consideration for passengers and denizens, as she used/inherited the Ghom orb, keeping it around for use, like how she turned Atticus into one. And it is beneficial too, as at Book 1 Amelia is only interested in resurrecting Alrick and wants to keep passengers in their cars/out of her business, even if it means they have to die. Hence she keeps around the Ghoms that would be a way to demotivate passengers from going to the Engine and also kill disobedients that may threaten her plans. Also this may be why she has such a high number and her terrifying reputation for Samantha the Cat.


I really wonder how Amelia got her clothes back while the other passengers were most likely still on their uniforms
