I Completed 100% of DARK SOULS 2 SOTFS With Immolation Only (So You Don't Have To)

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That's right. In a burst of stupidity, my brain decided that EVERY boss in Dark Souls 2 SOFTFS needed to be burned to the ground with Immolation. And after countless hours of slowly walking around enemies and banging my head against my desk in frustration, I can only come to a single conclusion:

...I don't want to play anymore.

I beat Dark Souls 2, every single boss, with only the Immolation pyromancy, so that you don't have to. Let this video be a stopgap against all the players who were curious and wanted to try it for themselves. Please, for the love of all that is holy, YOU DON'T HAVE TO, STOP, WHAT ARE YOU-

(shoutout to @ymfah for finding an in-game way to obtain Immolation - the madman breaks these games in ways I can only dream of, and has my complete respect)

|| MUSIC ||
Resurrections - Celeste
Guardia Millennial Fair - Chrono Trigger
Outset Island - Zelda Windwaker
Rainbow Road - Super Mario Kart
Panic Puppet Zone - Sonic 3D Blast
A Feeling of Love - Megaman Legends
Highscore - Alien 3
Chemical Brew - Katana Zero/LudoWic
You Are The End - Furi/Waveshaper
Breath of a Serpent - Katana Zero
Take Care - Ultrakill
Lobby Music - Fibbage 3
Powerup! - Jeremy Blake
Onett - Earthbound
Hypnosis - Little Nightmares
Beneath the Waves - Little Nightmares

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#thebacklogs #darksouls2 #challengerun #immolation #darksouls
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I'm absolutely convinced that lemon has a little gremlin in his brain that is ultimately responsible for these challenge runs. the frontal lobe goes "this is insane and would cause us a not insignificant amount of frustration and suffering." and then the gremlin goes "heehoo video game" and the run commences


This right here, Lemon, is why a failed run will always be better than no run. Titles are meaningless. It's almost never a question of "Can you do this?" because some freak of nature with infinite time, resources, and patience can pull it off 99 times out of a hundred. The real question is, "How does it feel?". I still remember your monologue in the Molotov Only video. I never imagined a firebomb run could end on such a wet and sticky note. Seeing you struggle to the point of a whole spiritual awakening even after cheating was the most intense thing I've ever seen in a challenge run, and that is just... beautiful.


I'd rather set myself on fire and play DS2 than complete this run, you are a better man than I


Lemon, I believe that your community doesn't care about whether or not a run was successful, it's about the journey of overcoming, the challenge that you face and continue to persist. The resilience is what is amazing to me. Even if you technically "fail", you faced the challenge and produced a video that entertains so many people


Not only did you spend hours setting yourself on fire, you got sponsored by a legal firm to do it. Beautiful. Poetry in motion.
Edit: I thought I was giving you courage and making it so you didn’t have to trash your run, now I see that I was cursing you to this Hell.


For enemies that avoid you like the plague when you hold a torch, the spiders during the Freja fight sure don't mind running up to the person who is on fire


You did it! Better immolate than never!


As astonishing as the run absolutely is I just can't quite get over how wild it is to have seen it be sponsored by an injury law firm.

"This run's self damage was reimbursed by the bosses who forced us to fight them thanks to Morgan Morgan!"


"God has cursed me for my hubris, and my work is never complete."
A great place for that Brian David Gilbert quote


The laugh-cry around 33:00 was the creepiest damn thing I've ever heard and I'm a horror fanatic. Well done Lemon!


This turned from a weird run to all levels of frustrations and finally a villain's monologue.


It's uncanny to see two of my favorite challenge runners do "fire damage run that tortures you for 10, 000 years" at nearly the same time


There's nothing scarier than someone who doesn't give up simply because they don't want to. It's insanely impressive.


this is probably the first time I have felt ACTUAL physical pain (a headache) while watching a challenge run. It's like secondhand insanity infection


Ymfah would be so proud of you Lemon.
Also let's hope YouTube shows mercy on you for this hot run.


Man, Lemon. We really need like a compilation of your speeches from challenge runs. They bring an amazing theatric style to what wouldve otherwise been a normal video. This one and the molotov bloodborne speeches send chills down my spine every time.

I know its 9 months late and this is my 4th watch through of the video, but well fucking done man!


Glad to see I'm not alone in worshipping the Lord of Lunacy, Ymfah.


Sitting here at 1:30am on a Tuesday having just finished SOTFS normally (after like 10 attempts because of that damned fire stump) and can’t even imagine doing an immolation run glitchless. your patience and fortitude is unimaginable my good man 07


Since Lemon likes suffering so much his next video should be him staying the night at room 1408 in the dolphin hotel


To The Backlogs.

Thanks. I'm just thankfull for the videos that you make. They help me realise, that it may be hard and may seem like it never ends, but being pacient, there's so fucking much that can be done. You are a inspiration. And yeah, it's just a guy playing videogames and making dad jokes, as well losing his sanity little by little(or a lot this time), but I really like the job u make, as well as your taste for music. You bring a lott to us ma man, you are a ghost that halp us trough the hard times, and sweetens the easy ones.
So, please, take care of yourself. We are stranger in the internet, but u are a stranger that I want to keep being a stranger for times to come. And if those times come to an end. That I may be conforted that u are being your weird flame loving chaotic, persistent other things that u are and I have no fucking clue about(and I don't need nor want to know), somewhere else.
Sorry for the declaration, but I had times are complicated?, don't know. But I'm sure we both need a psychiatrist after the stuff. Anyway send xoxos to lady and doggo(s? don't remember but kinda wanted to know, doggos are dope.)

With the abyss wanting to be a toxic friend, me.

PS: Can u find a game to do a doggos only run. I don't have any recomendentions)
