Lightning Talks 1

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Agenda of Lightning Talks - Hosted by Dustin Ingram and Lorena Mesa

André Roberge - Friendlier tracebacks

Bernat Gabor - tox 4 is happening!

Brett Cannon - Introducing the Python Launcher for Unix

Cheuk Ho - What happens when the developer decided that your name is too short

Deepa - A tale of mutability and recursion

Jason C. McDonald - Code Review For Great Good

Jürgen Gmach - How to Maintain Many, Many, Many, Many... Many Git Repositories?

Mfon Eti-mfon - Queer Struggles in Africa: Fighting Hate With Python

Phil Jones - What’s new in Flask

Clint Cameron - How to take ownership of security in your Python code

Daniel J. Dufour - Load Django Settings from Environmental Variables with One Magical Line of Code
Рекомендации по теме

Pretty cool stuff. Enjoyed Python 3.10's traceback overview and the Tox improvement talk.


* friendly package at 0:55 - the pkg explains errors in your own native language
* TOX 4 at 6:35 - allows to set up your python virtual environment through config files
* py at 13:30 - tool that allows to pick the latest python version instead of latest installed
* “Name too short for developers” - how some name “translation to English” can result to too short names
* mutability & recursions - python behavior with mutability & recursions (recursion + list → bad results, limit of recursion stack in python)
* “Effective code review” at 28:55
* “How to maintain many git repositories” at 34:00
* “African Queer Struggles - Fighting Hate with Python” at 39:18
* “What’s new in Flask v2” at 44:59
* “Developer Owned Code Security” at 49:33
* “Load Django Settings from Environmental Variables with one magic line code” at 54:10


"No LGTM" in code reviews...I feel seen!
