Lightning Talks

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00:00 Aly Sivji - Busy Beaver: The Chicago Python Community Engagement Slack Bot
05:50 Veronica Hanus - Git hooked on images and up your documentation game
11:56 Mason Egger - TEALS - Computer Science in Every School
17:20 Carl Karsten - My answer to "Teach me some Python?" A: Circuit Playground Express pn:3333
19:20 Paul - Custom argtypes for argparse
24:48 Jay Reyes - Building and Deploying a Site for Beginners
30:17 Andrew Knight - Which is better: unittest or pytest?
32:59 Ernest W. Durbin III - PSF - Half a Lightning Talk
35:17 Micah Culpepper - Python Unicode Adventures
40:53 Jeremy Boyd - Making PyTexas (Legally)
45:49 Using a laptop web cam to show a phone on the projector and the video recording system!
47:06 Python in Android CLI
49:22 Water Bottle Raffle


The PyTexas Foundation was organized as a Texas non-profit corporation in 2014 and received its 501(c)(3) recognition in early 2015. Although we cannot guarantee that your contribution to PyTexas will be tax-deductible (we aren’t tax attorneys and just don’t know), you can rest assured that any contributions to the organization will always be used to further the common goals of the Texas Python community, and never for personal benefit.

PyTexas is the annual, regional gathering for the Python community in Texas. PyTexas is organized and run by community volunteers. PyTexas, like most of the Python community, is focused on providing a diverse and enjoyable experience for everyone interested in Python. Please help us do that by following the code of conduct.


Sat Apr 13 17:05:00 2019 at Special Event Center
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