The English Language Fluency Test | How Fluent Are You?

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Do you want to know if you are fluent in English? OR HOW fluent you are in English?
Our Fluency Test, which is based on our years of academic teaching and experience preparing students for university, should help you understand how fluent you are and give you some idea of how to improve your fluency! #fluencyinenglish #englishfluencytest #howfluentamI #fluencyinenglish

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HOW FLUENT ARE YOU? Let me know your score below and don't forget to tell me how you are going to improve your fluency level. I'll reply and give you some tips on how you can improve your fluency and speak English better!


I got 15/16 because I can't remember if I dream in English or in Spanish at all! :^0 Something interesting though, is that I learnt English without really studying or trying too much just because I'm inmersed in the language. I read books in English, I always write in English and most of the time I speak english and surprisingly enough I didn't even notice when I began to think in English, it happened ages ago, probably when I was around 13 and my English wasn't even good (this means that as odd as it may sound I don't really think in Spanish unless I try to) and besides that, I find it a lot easier to express myself in English rather than in Spanish, why? I don't really know but there are loads of words I know in English but not in Spanish and I know way more English grammar than spanish grammar so I just know which words I want to use depending on how I want to sound etc. I want to be as fluent as I can get so I'm trying to learn more advanced vocabulary and I'm trying to speak English more :^) BTW I still live in the country where I was born and no one in my family speaks English but I want to go to England someday and that's one of the reasons why I learnt British English.


Thank you, I'm Mexican, I have a 4 almost 5 score, I'm working on it and this video really help me to have more areas where I have to practice. Thank you again and now I'm one of your subscribers.


Hi, Teacher what a stunning lesson! I have had a dream in English. I got 15/16. Thank Teacher for the amazing job you have been doing. I have been learning from you too much. I have to say, my dream is becoming fluent in English, and afterwards, an English Teacher. I have been studying heard since I came to London. I fell in love with English since I have arrived in London. I want to learn everything in English. I would like to get into University if my level allowed. My preference subject is education. English for me is the best language in the world, that's my opinion even though some people can not agree with me, but this is my point of view. I have been waiting until I become fluent and take a degree, this is my dream. My first language is Portuguese and I pleased to learn English. Thank you, Teacher, for your help.


I think I practically have all those... I am a teacher and English is part of my daily routine. It has been so for 15 years already. Thanks a lot for the video.


I only dreamt one in English in my life and it was a dream of me and some important native English speakers talking together. It was a small talk but when I woke up, I was really on top of the world. I hadn't been happy like that time before!
I also dreamt before of native English speakers but we were silent


It gives me great pleasure to be in conversation with you all the time ! The way you explain any topic is impressive &unique . I seem to have met almost all the criteria which you have mentioned . I am a non-native speaker but whatever comes to my mind gets translated in to English effortlessly . I have spoken to foreigners from across the globe & every word of mine was followed by them in the very first attempt . They never used the word pardon ? I think, non- native speaker can not speak as fast as the native-speaker does . Fluency doesn't mean speed . It is nothing but expressing oneself confidently & unhesitatingly . I have not been able to have dreams in English but fluency in English has always been my dream . I prefer British English to American English . It's as sweet as Ambrosia . Love you dear sister .


I scored 14. Need to improve watching English movies without subtitles and jokes.
I deliberately think in English and when I can dream in English, I may do so to improve my English language.


I studied English in California so I have a hear for american English. It is the first time I come across your channel and after few seconds I could tell you are from UK. I sometime use Google Translator because it is fast and convenient, if not happy with it I reach for my English to English vocabulary. Not problems with movie or most books but still I have hard time to understand songs. As for jokes it is more cultural, if you are not a native it can be challanging. Finally, nobody mistake me with a native speaker, I still have a very strong Italian accent. 
Another criteria you can add to this list cuold be if you can solve crosswords. I'm not able to do it in English and sometime I find it difficult even in Italian.


I watch english movies, listening to english news and who ever speak English, I listen to him very carefully. I also watch english stories on you tube.
Most of all, I listen to you ...


Yes, I have had a dream in English. I have been practising English for 8 months. I need to practice more because I love this language...I know one day I become fluent in this language.😊😊😊 I got 4 / 16 I know it's not a good score but one I'll achieve 16 criteria in future, thank you so much for this lesson 💓💓💓


Thank you teacher. Presumably, my score is 14 out of 16, and I still need to make certain progress in terms of catching up English songs. On top of that, I've dreamt in English so many times in the past.


I can understand english in movies and comedies. But I haven't had a dream in english. I wish that I had one.


Hi Leila. I appreciate you taking the time to share with us these criteria. Out of those 16 I believe my score is 9/10. However, I can't say I fully follow humor/jokes and sometimes I still need subtitles and lyrics to understand the context in English movies and songs. I really wish I could hear and know that someday someone would be impressed and curious how did I end up with being fluent in English. I very much look forward to hearing your suggestions.


Brilliant lesson, nice one. I had the big satisfaction of achieving number 16 both in english and spanish. My dream is to get it in german which I can only speak with a simple level. I never dreamt in a different language from mine. I dreamt sometimes of my old english teacher at the high school but those were actually nightmares.


Hi Leila, I think my score is 15 but I am sure that it will improve to 16 as long as I keep watching your amazing English lessons. Thank you very much.


I am fluent! !!
All the methods that anyone cna be fluent with and you mentioned, I do them !
I really feel like I am in seventh heaven after I watched this video! I am really encouraged and enthusiastic to learn more and I hope you create more videos per week!
Thanks a million, Leila and Sabrah for helping us
We all appreciate that more than you will ever know
You're the cream in the crop^-^


I believe that another sign may be recognizing and internalizing all the irregularities and things that confuse other learners of a language, so for example, let's say someone ask you what's the difference between good and well (I'm a spanish native speaker, and I've seen this mistake so many times), or the difference between 'make' and 'do' (in Spanish, they both are translated as 'hacer') and so forth. I think it is a clear indicator of fluency and understanding of a language when you don't have to think about this and is just natural to you. As to the question, I think I meet all the criteria except for the one about dreaming in English (I don't even dream in my own language haha)


The criteria which you have expressed in an emotional way are essential tips for the dreamers of English learners.


Great video! I'm on my way to be more fluent! I started using the Cambridge and Oxford dictionary and stopped translating even in my head. Not easy but I'm doing my best here. I hardly trust my accent though.
