NEW LOOT SYSTEM, NEW CLAN RECRUITMENT in the UPDATE Sneak Peek #1 (Clash of Clans)

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NEW LOOT SYSTEM, NEW CLAN RECRUITMENT in the UPDATE Sneak Peek #1 (Clash of Clans)

#coc #clashofclans #itzu

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Idk if it will be mentioned in the next UPDATE Sneak Peek. But I hope that they will add heroe equipments to the 'Quick Train' tab. With all the different equipments in the game there are just different equipments that are best for different armies. For example: I sometimes forget to change my queen equipments cuz I often switch between QC attacks (frozen arrow and invis) and Sarch blimp hydra (healer pupper and magic mirror)


Omg I am so happy for the confirmation screen for legend sign up…I am literally in legends rn because I singed up by mistake😭😭


The loot change is great. Ive been frustrated with playing lately at th16 not being able to farm enough for upgrades without grinding for hours


2:26 love these updates, i can farm more loots to upgrade my walls abit faster in the fake legend i hope so. we getting max amount of ores from star bonuses in fake legend and get a good amount of loots. massive win on this update 🙌


Nope. Recruitment fail. That won’t work at all. All it will do are more notices that will be ignored just like they’re ignored on Reddit and Discord.

All they need to, and I’ve been saying this for months and months and continually emailing ilkka about it, all they need to do is keep the in-game recruitment the same, but change the search so you can search for players not in a clan! A toggle button that you can switch on and off.
And also fix the issue in which I select only search for TH16s but the search brings up all THs.


The hard mode change is SOOOO dumb. Like is supercell trying to make people mad? It's seriously stupid to basically cap and nerf all the equipment you worked hard for. That change is terrible!! Buff the defenses and nerf offense. Do not change EQ!!


The notice system... completely useless. And also, SC hasn't touched the most important recruitment factor (for high-lvl clans), which is CWL league lvl :(


Clan notes ok but will be easy for spy to enter clan during classic war, so not good


7:05 rootrider passed through a wall but the wall didn't get destroyed.


Hard mode change will kill the use of giant arrow completely. Giant arrow no longer 1 shots air defence, builder huts or archer towers.


The importance of farming base designs/ loot protection layouts has skyrocketed.


Spend 10 years to max walls.
Supercell: double loot from attacks


Sometimes in legends league 8 attacks per day is not enough. I want to do more 😅 . SC should give an option so that I can attack more with out trophy.


I am really disapointed. Dont get me wrong a better hardmode is great but it feels like they’re just focusing on esport players which is an extreme minority in the competitive area of the game. Most competitive players will almsot never fcs in hardmode, they stick to pushing legend league and streaking wars, all they ask is for the meta to be fixed in those aspects of the game. Which isn’t the case.
Feels like they’re mistaking competitive player base with esport player base which is not entirely the same. The competitive player base is far bigger than esport which is a world in itself (given u need to register to tournament on discord etc.. and plan war which is really demanding).
Extremely disapointed. They ruined the whole th16 time for a fairly big portion of the player base who is actually also the most engaged online and most likely spend a lot in the game too.


The balance is not okay. Now that hard mode exists, I honestly don't understand why they are holding back


They could make it so that equipment is capped by the level being reduced by 6 and 3 in hard mode. I.E. you have to have lvl 27 equipment to have level 21 and lvl 18 to have lvl 15. Making it so you still have to max equipment


We need hard mode in legends league because most of the players don't play competitive matches


Well in stead of reduced level, hard mode in legend league can buff all defensive DPS and HP.


Perhaps the global top 5 or 10k players in Legend League enter hard mode instead of a set number of trophies. This could provide a new competitive dynamic.


I hope they include this in next patch.
Clan castle request will be affected when using training potion
