WTF is Quantum Retrocausality? (ft. Physics Girl)

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What if the future influences the past? It could, according to this new quantum theory.

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Physicists provide support for retrocausal quantum theory, in which the future influences the past
“Recently some physicists have been looking into this idea, called ‘retrocausality,’ because it can potentially resolve some long-standing puzzles in quantum physics.“

The Quantum Mechanics of Fate
“Physicists as renowned as John Wheeler, Richard Feynman, Dennis Sciama, and Yakir Aharonov have speculated that causality is a two-headed arrow and the future might influence the past.”

Scientists Finally Prove Strange Quantum Physics Idea Einstein Hated
“That concept is also known as entanglement, and it’s what allows particles that have once interacted to share a connection regardless of the separation between them.”


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Written by: Victoria Barrios
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When I was a young man, I once got into a fight....and then I time traveled. The guy knocked me into next week.


Does this mean Cause and Effect can work backwards? Not only does Cause cause an Effect, but an Effect effects the Cause?
'Cause this would effect everything!


2 years ago Christopher Nolan saw this video let's make a Movie on this 🍿 on it Guess "TENET" 😁😁


I think clairvoyance is the only way we currently have for this and it’s a lot more common than we think. Like when a mother can sense something is wrong with her child before or while it’s happening.


Came here while I am watching 'Tenet'. I have paused the movie and learning what retrocausality is..😅👌


an idea i've been playing with may put a different "spin" on the idea of retrocausality, or backward time flow.

Basically the flow of "time" is a function of the entropy of the information contained within evolving quantum field states.

At any given moment the current state of the various fields (and particles they contain) can be described preciscely with causal continuity extending back to their original states due to the information contained in the various tensor and vector fields.

However, having this precise knowledge of the present state, including particle positions, means we can not know precisely what the future states will be as there is a probabilistic element to the evolution of waveforms in the various fields, therefore there is no information that yet exists about those future states. This also implies that if time flowed backward the fields would return to an earlier state, reversing entropy, and in doing the previous state and causal path information would be lost.

Or to put it another way; The forward flow of time creates information, the backward flow of time destroys it.

This is likely why we only ever experience the forward progression of time.
Conscious experience involves forming and recalling memories, and since a new memory is new information it can only form with the forward flow of time. No forward flow of time, no memories. No memories, no consciousness.

We can only "see" the backward flow of time in experiments which create information but do not disseminate it before it can be lost, such as in the delayed choice quantum eraser experiments.

Time likely flows back and forth constantly, but we are simply unaware, as all the information about the "previous" future has been erased from existence.

I know this sounds like heresy of one of the most fundamental laws of nature, the conservation of information, but it, in fact, is governed by it.
By viewing time as intrinsically linked to the creation and dissemination of information it is easier to see why information can not be destroyed; information is a property of time, which from our perspective will only ever move forward. so from our perspective it is never destroyed.

Another consequence of this hypothosis is that time is not likely to be perfectly symmetric with respect to all fields.

The conditions for backward flow are far less probable than for forward as flow direction depends on the number of entangled or interdependent particle states. The greater the interdependence of a current field or particle state on other field or particle states, the less likely it is that sufficient information can be lost to successfully reverse time on a large scale. any small quantum fluctuation will quickly be undone and as it regains information from addition interactions.

Moreover, if this is true, time is not static or predetermined but is most likely a constantly changing, relative and dynamic property of existence. This could imply that moment is the only thing that exists, even if that moment may not be the same everywhere, but that's another discussion all together.


If I'm understanding this correctly, I think this is a little bit inaccurately described. I don't think retrocausality is where you see the outcome of an action before the action occurs, but rather you see the outcome of an action due to the causes applied to the _entangled_ particles, not the "local" ones. Since entangled particles mimic each other instantly regardless of distance, it's technically traveling backward in time, since you are observing the effect of the entangled particle before you can visually see it being affected.

In other words, you wouldn't be able to see your shirt get coffee stained before the mug tipped over. Instead, here's a more analogous scenario (let's assume all of the entangled particles are lumped together and that we know exactly where they are):
Your coffee suddenly gets really hot, because at that very moment, the entangled particles fell into the sun. But, you point a telescope to observe the particles, only to find they haven't fell into the sun yet (it takes about 500 seconds for light from the sun to reach Earth). 500 seconds later, you then see the particles fall into the sun.


Quantum Retrocausality is what Tony stark is gonna use to defeat Thanos.


"...But only one where we beat Thanos" that made my morning. After reading that Anthony Bourdain passed this morning I was extremely sad. But after what Physics Girl had said I started to feel just a bit better.


Befors I watchOS this video I didn’t knew that this theory existed, I actually and I’m serious made this theory for my own a couple of months ago, and then I’ve developed it more and more, and the I watch THIS and see that my theory actually exist??!!!??! Yes, I am serious!


As a subscriber to PhysicsGirl, let's get her up to 1mil subs. Seeker has 3.3mil subs, and I bet most of my fellow science enthusiasts would like her channel. She's smart and entertaining.


Yeah and if the future can influence the past I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning with an IBM 5100 on my desk.


I'm alive now, that's why I born???


Not sure, in my interpretation, time is a derived property of cause and effect. Time is just the order of ALL causes and effects in the universe. A photon doesn’t experience time, cause and effect (creation and destruction) are at the same time in its point of view. We only see it traveling with C, so we can distinguish the two from each other, and from everything else happening between the two.
Therefore BY DEFINITION, time can go only in one direction, because effect is also defined as it happens after the cause.


Wtf is wrong with my understandingbility of this video


Cause and effect.
Cause and effect is omnipresent in our everyday lives, as well as in quantum mechanics.
And if in modern philosophy this concept (cause and effect) causes controversy,
then this is due to a misunderstanding of the essence of quantum mechanics.
''If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it''
/ John Wheeler /
''Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense'' /Roger Penrose/
"Nobody understands quantum mechanics and that's a problem". /Sean Carroll/

It is quite possibly that "cause and effect" in quantum physics is subject to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle


Man Physics!! You guys seem more like Georgio A.Tsukalos by the passing days. Yup this is an insult.


The cult of Quantum. < Youtube search this and watch the videos on Theoria Apophasis channel. Google "Uncovering the missing Secrets of Magnetism" and read that book.


"Physicists say there are infinite number of universes but we can beat Thanos only in one."😂😂😂😂😂😂


*_"IT pops up"???_*
3:34 did she know?
