Plantar Warts Part One

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Рекомендации по теме

I had plantar warts which made it painful to walk. The podiatrist told me to buy compound W...This can be expensive if your on a fixed income....when I told the doctor I couldnt afford it...He said, ..I'm not suppose to tell you this, but theres another way that's a whole lot cheaper and just as affective..a bottle of I bought a bottle of aspirin at Walmart for just under $1 dollar... I added water to the tablets and made a paste out of it. I then put the paste on some gauze and taped it with electrical tape to the warts on the bottoms of my feet...duct tape works good also...It worked!! The warts are gone and it hardly cost me anything!!


Excellent, clear explanation for the layperson. I've used a combination of Compound W or similar product until the wart begins to dislodge. I follow by clipping the remaining connective tissue with a nail clipper, then deliberately overdose the remaining tissue with Freeze-Away. It's been effective in the past, but I've been struggling with the same, recurring wart. I will try the Curad 40%. Thank you for this video!


I am so happy I found you. I had plantar warts surgically removed there was another problem the doctors found I imagine that is the reason they performed surgery. The warts on the operated foot never came back thank the Lord. It feels like a pebble is under a bundle of nerves on my foot. Haven't found a doctor that is willing to go the surgical route
Is there a doctor in the Santa Barbara California area that will do the surgery it would be wonderful not to continue with this pain.
Thank you doctor Dave.


Thanks for the drinks example. I really understood that 🤣🤣


Thank you so much for making this video. You answered all my questions.


Quick question regarding the Compound W one step pads... the ones I've got have the larger bandage piece (looks like a corn bandage basically) and when I peel that if the backing, there is a small circular pad that stays attached to the backing paper until I peel it off separately. Which one of these things has the salicylic acid on it?? Do I place the small pad onto the wart and then center the larger pad over it to cushion it? Or just place the larger pad, centering the "hole" where the little pad was on the wart? The instructions on the box are too vague for me haha


Thank you frugal foot this will help my frugal foot!


Thank you Dr Dave lots of good information. 👍 👍


I’ve been using compound for a couple weeks now. How long should you wait to put on more applications?


So I have a plantar wart on my foot and I used compound w freeze off on it, is the skin where the wart is hardening a good or bad sign


Great video. What about showering or even bathing? Can I take a hot bath like I do a few times a week to relax w these two warts or will they transmit elsewhere on my body that way? And, do I need to clean the tub w Lysol w every single shower or bath? What about the bathroom floor? Sheets? I live alone but I’m a bit of a germaphobe. I figured I’d ask an expert rather than make myself nuts. Thanks in advance. 👍🏼


If it pops clear or foggy liquid is that a blister? Warts are solid or may leak blood?


I use the CompoundW 1 step strips... Do I ever need to take the band aid off and let it breath or no?? I had mine on for 3 days now and when I took it off to change it to a new bandaid my skin looks soggy and white.. I’m a tan skin color😭


With the little strips will the plantar wart fall off or will you pick off the dead skin???


Hello what are you supposed to do when you take a shower? Are you supposed to remove the stickers? Most instructions say keep it on there for 48 hours so just curious


How do I re apply the compound w maximum liquid wart remover do I wash it after then do it again


How do i know if they are warts or blisters? I had them on my foot first and i popped and made it worst 😭😭😭. Now it spread under my toes and now on my hands.


So the sticky part goes on the wart ? If so I’ve been applying it wrong 😭😭


So I used one and on my first two days with it the area surrounding the wart turned white. Like a pretty big part of it. Is this normal??


I have a question doctor so I had one on the bottom of my feet last year and I got it removed and now after a year I got it back under the place where it was last time like not exactly at the same place. So like why? Why am I keep on getting them
