Why Do BIG Creators Quit YouTube?

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Why are so many YouTubers quitting? Let's find out, in their own words, and what it means for you.

Original videos from the creators:

#moresubscribers2024 #moreviews2024 #GrowYourChannel
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They are saying something so true, when you are growing a lot on Youtube, it stops being a Youtube channel, instead it becomes a big business, hiring this person for that job, paying this guy for doing this, recording footage in this game for that company that sponsors you, you basically become a Ceo without necesarrily wanting it and this can be really annoying, not everyone likes being a leader and on top of all, you are losing what made you like youtube to begin with, making content yourself


Seeing so many YouTubers quit is sad, but seeing it as a them leaving it for a new generation is inspiring, thank you to all those creators :)


Every creator starts with good intentions. You are a freelancer, however when the fun becomes the "job" it completely changes the experience. Making content for extra money is great! Making content to feed your family is work and extremely stressful.


It's sad to see most of these YouTubers leave, but I think it is time to give new channels a shot.


I mean, most of the big channels have a team that can still produce videos while they still get an income, and do other things. Best of luck to them


They really quit because the pay significantly dropped, and the work demanded by these platforms to succeed has increased 10x. Platforms are pushing quantity over quality, these creators are creative geniuses and have amazing production but aren’t getting rewarded for it like how they used to, they’re over worked, underpaid, and sick of the changes made by platforms to make them pump out a massive amount of content (even if it’s bad) just to promote unoriginal “salesy” content. YouTube shifted from a creators dream to a marketers dream, pay attention to what a lot of these creators are actually saying.


I wonder what the next generation of YouTube is idk but so many good youtubers are quitting


This video is really demotivating. I don't care what anyone says, quitting is not an option whether I become successful or not!


Genuinely one of the most sad yet also one of the most happy videos I ever watched. I agree alot that some people just cannot do this forever to the point it becomes their life but what i can tell that the next generation can be even better learning the lessons we taught them. Lets get on the grind everyone and push out some great content❤


People hate it when I say it but here it is:
I find it strange or coincidental how all these massive channels are quitting shortly after the invalid views scandal.
You can't rule that out. We know many channels have and still employ bot services or services that do not drive legitimate views.
Now I'm not saying this is the sole reason for the attrition but also lets not forget that when you couple that with an ever changing & uncontrollable algorithm that is now apparently favouring smaller channels you could understand why the big guys at the top want out.
Also don't forget most of everybody's views come from people that are not subscribed & won't subscribe, likely due to the content though interesting was not the viewers main interest, because the algorithm as been made public now, prefers to suggest our videos to people that do not watch our type of content.
It is so frustrating to see channels that have videos with 10000s of views with legitimate comments and they only have 100 subscribers. It's heartbreaking to be a small channel for 5 years of dedicated hard work or more.
But YouTube is the best platform, what can you do?


New youtubers now get to inspire the next generation like these people have inspired us. It's honestly super motivating tbh


After having a few jobs each for a decade or so, I can imagine where they are coming from. Even jobs you really loved when you started them, can become a burden if they grow into something that doesn't fit you anymore. I admire these YouTubers for having the courage to make the change! Of course it's sad for their followers, but it IS tremendous courageous to head out into the unknown after you've been doing what you love for such a long time. I wish them all the best with their new endeavours and thank them for everything they have done!

And may we welcome new inspirational people that will inspire us for decades to come like they did before us!


It is strange so many are quitting around the same time. I can’t help but wonder if there is some sort of change coming up we don’t know about. Or not idk


After 9 months of posting weekly videos and finally hitting 2700 subs and 6000 hours with a mega then told me my channel wouldn't be monetised as it didn't meet their 'programme criteria'... I reached out to VidIQ via their website a week ago for help and nothing, no reply. I think I'm gonna get out of this hot mess, a real shame as I loved making videos and it made me happy doing it. But with two lecturing jobs, freelancing, kids and my mum not well there's no time. Getting the no from the YTP and Adsense was such a kick in the teeth.... getting monetised means nothing, I know the revenue is whack, but man, it was a goal thats had the goal posts moved. Anyway. Thanks for the videos Rob, you really helped me on my way and your personality is so inspiring. A shame that fell apart when it came to me trying to reach out for help via the VidIQ website.


YouTube was not originally meant for professional video production in the beginning, but it has turned into just that. We need a video platform just for amateurs.


I really don’t know who expects to work forever. But certainly not ME. I’m just getting started, no retiring yet here!


These have little influence on our small and medium channels. We just need to keep trying.😊


It's disheartening to see so many YouTubers leaving, but change is inevitable. The landscape evolves, and so do the creators. As new voices emerge, it's a chance for fresh perspectives and ideas. Let's appreciate the departing creators for their contributions and welcome the next generation with open arms! 👋🌟


Thank you Vidiq for making these videos. They have helped me market my music and grow my music channel! Thank you!


What worries me the most is why all the channels quit. The commone theme being " it became work/ a job, " youtube is supposed to be a place where we post something: cool, funny, crazy, though provoking or scary... too much focus is put on posting rather then the why or what our goal of each post is... we all felt the changes and hopefully youtube comes back to that fun and chill space we all used to love. Wither way have some fun and thanks for reading :P
