Madinah Book 2 | LESSON 2 (part 2)

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Learn Arabic with Madrasatuna!
This Free online Arabic programme is based on the comprehensive and popular course (ARABIC COURSE for English-speaking students), originally devised and taught at Madinah Islamic University.

The course consists of three reasonably short but extensive books. In these series of videos we will go through book 2.

Download a PDF copy of the book:

As Muslims, I'm sure we're all familiar that studying Arabic is very important, but here are some additional (materialistic) reasons why a person would study Arabic:

Arabic is the 5th most commonly spoken native language in the world!

There is a high demand and low supply of Arabic-speakers in the Western world!

Arabic-speaking nations are a fast-growing market for trade, and various government organisations around the world consider Arabic to be of ‘critical importance’!

Arabic-speaking people have made significant contributions to the world civilizations!

The Arab-speaking world has a rich cultural heritage!

#alifbaa #madrasatuna

Рекомендации по теме

You Really made us hard working believers to understand the Arabic language. Thanking you by heart .❤ Masalama.


Masha Allah, This lesson is very crystal clear. and very interesting, Encouraging me want to learn more. Allahummah Barik.


Jazaakallahu khoyron, I love how you do stop to explain some main points from the book. It makes me to understood the lessons well.


35:00 Keeping this as a bookmark. ‏بارك الله فيكم


Quick Summary 📖:

Laysa (ليس)
- Means "is not."
- It is a special فعل ماضٍ (past tense verb).
- It is deficient (ناقص), meaning it requires a khabar (خبر) to complete its meaning.
- It does not have an imperative (فعل أمر) or present/future (فعل مضارع) form; i.e., it is a Jāmid verb (جامد - a verb that does not conjugate).
- It is used to negate nominal sentences (الجملة الاسمية).
- After Laysa, we have ism (اسم) and khabar (خبر).
- After the introduction of Laysa (ليس):
- The Mubtadaʾ (مبتدأ) is now called Ism Laysa (اسم ليس).
- The Khabar (خبر) is now called Khabar Laysa (خبر ليس).
- The subject (اسم ليس) is in the nominative case (مرفوع).
- The predicate (خبر ليس) is in the accusative case (منصوب).
- All verbs (فعل) require a subject (فاعل), but Laysa does not have a فاعل.

Similarities between Inna and Its Sisters (إن وأخواتها) & Kaana and Its Sisters (كـانَ وَأَخَوَاتُـهـا)
1. Both enter upon nominal sentences (جملة اسمية).
2. When they enter a nominal sentence, they affect both the subject (مبتدأ) and the predicate (خبر).

Differences Between Inna and Its Sisters (إن وأخواتها) & Kaana and Its Sisters (كـانَ وَأَخَوَاتُـهـا)
1. Inna and its Sisters are all particles (حروف), and there are six in total.
2. Kaana and its Sisters are all verbs (أفعال), and there are thirteen in total.
3. They have opposite effects on nominal sentences.
4. When Inna enters a nominal sentence, it makes the subject (مبتدأ) accusative (منصوب) and the predicate (خبر) nominative (مرفوع).
5. When Kaana enters a nominal sentence, it makes the subject (مبتدأ) nominative (مرفوع) and the predicate (خبر) accusative (منصوب).

Note: Laysa is one of the sisters of Kaana (كان وأخواتها).

Attached Pronouns (الضَّمَائِر المُتَّصِلَة)
Attached pronouns are of two types:
1. Those that replace a noun in the accusative (منصوب) or genitive (مجرور) case.
2. Those that replace a noun in the nominative (مرفوع) case.

The khabar for laysa can come in two ways:
1. Laysa (ليس) + Subject (اسم ليس) + Predicate (خبر ليس)
2. Laysa (ليس) + Subject (اسم ليس) + ba (بـ) + Predicate (خبر ليس)


Sheikh don't you have any vocabulary list for book 2 like you did for book 1? If not can you guide me to one


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
To the Teacher.
You said there are other side books with Madina Book 2. Can you please share with us those books and how to get them.
May Allah reward you Jannatul Firdows with the company of Mohamed Rasuulu Allah. Aamiin


السلام علىكم،يا شىخ اطن ان حرف الف لا تاخذ حركة please pardon me for any mistake I just trying to communicate in Arabic language .


35:19 if مرفوع then ا، وا Ok if it is majroor for example عَنْ مُحَمْدٍ لَيْسَهُ طِوالاً. Is this correct?


41:54 there is هو before ليس, However َلَيْس already represent هو, why هو has came twice


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
احسن الله اليكم و اثابكم الله

Q: Do ALL of these rules concerning ليس also apply to كان and its sisters? For example, the fact that the خبر ليس can come with the prefix بِ attached to it, does this apply to خبر كان also? Or that ليس is always ماضي, does this apply to كان and its sisters also?


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أخي

What are your thoughts on the classical book al-ajrumiyyah, i brought the book & been reading over it while going over my madinah course alhumdulillah. It's very beneficial but i see it breaks down the ruling of student letters & vowels in the sentence masha'Allah. But as well i seen that the same ruling they give in al-ajrumiyyah you say the same as we speak with the same tongue Allahu Akbar... so in summary i want your thought on al-ajrumiyyah & taking that path after the madinah course


37:53 Assalamu'alaykum Ustaath

Would it be correct to say that the pronouns of تُ - تُما - تُم etc would only be attached to افعال whereas the other pronouns such as هُ - هُما - هُم etc are attached to nouns and particles?


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
احسن الله اليكم و اثابكم الله

Q: 19:31 You mentioned that it is impossible to pronouce the words َلَيْسْن etc. because of meeting of 2 sukoon. To me it doesn't feel impossible to pronounce these words, although it doesn't sound as nice "Laisna". If you may clarify my ignorance Ustadh, why is the meeting of 2 sukoon considered a problem in the Arabic language?


لَسْنَ بِصَغِيرٍ is this correct, I intend to write
" they(women) are small", but when I translated it in Google it shows up this translate to " We are not small"


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هنّ طوالة —> لسنّ طوالةً
هل هذا صحيح ؟


but why does he write ' هُوَ ' before ' لَيْسَ ' does it not already indicate ' هُوَ '?


Assalaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh, Yaa Ustadh, , barackllahu fiika for this lesson two, i picked concepts but wen you reached on the two ways of attaching pronouns i got a thought block...buh Enewe Jazaaki Allahu Khair not meant to understand everything, watching from Uganda, the pearl of Africa🎉


Will skipping Madinah book 3 and going directly to Al Ajrumiyyah be helpful?
