Portugal's NHR Tax Program is Changing- This is EVERYTHING You NEED To Know!

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new to your YT channel. great info on the NHR/other/new laws in Portugal . Thank you and Maria on this great info now I don't have to panic when I retire in a few yrs. I had to watch it a couple of times cause I found myself very distracted, You are breathtakingly beautiful. Incredible really. thanks again. much respect


Attention! This video is very misleading (not sure if on purpose or not). There is no other program to replace NHR. She's talking about a mistake in the budget proposal about the program Regressar, in which portuguese emigrants who haven't lived in the country in the last 5 years will have a tax break in their income tax if they return to the country in the next few years.

In the budget it states that people who haven't been residents in the last 5 years, which would include any foreigner who's never lived in the country before, but the finance ministry has already stated it was a mistake, the law only applies to former residents.

So no, it is not a new NHR regime and it doesn't apply to foreigners, only to portuguese emigrants returning. Please provide the correct informations not to confuse the viewers.


The key question to consider is apparently now there is to be an exit tax and when you move out of Portugal it is considered a divestment - can you confirm that?


In the case of US pension income, despite the tax treaty, my understanding is that the US will only allow a foreign tax credit to the extent of what the US would tax the pension. Since Portugal's tax bracket is at 48% for, say, 75k euros of US pension income, since US taxes at a lower federal tax rate, you probably would not be able to take the full credit for what you paid in tax in Portugal on the US pension income on your US return.


Please can you explain about the social security fees for employees and employers. What is the benefit for both parties.


So, it is important to have a address in Portugal to stay as tax resident, what means also the NHR is active. So I should keep an Portuguese address when I am out for a few months ... Right?

Thanks for the video 👍🏼


Real estate speculation by foreigners is making impossible for locals to buy or rent a house


I’m confused. How does one choose which country they are a tax resident of? I thought it was 183 days and that’s that


And have you seen the property prices crashing in the Algarve, people don't like unstable regulations, a question that a few may be asking, UK resident (so outside EU) lets say 2 examples, one >50 year old< early retiree, has a company pension that they don't pay tax on in the UK, bought Bitcoin in 2011 and has held it, wants to retire to Portugal, rents their paid up house in the UK to give extra income, say £1250, but their nif is registered to a portugal address. 2nd question, older couple, both UK state pension, sold house retiring to Portugal and bought Bitcoin in 2020, does the 12 month hold no tax on Crypto still apply or did the government update those rules as well? and if so what is the Tax on Crypto thats hodled now, thank you always informative videos!


I hope they don't ruin the crypto taxes, planning to move back to Portugal in 15 months :)


FANTASTIC VIDEO! Thanks For explaining this to us Maria!


Thanks to Americas that promoted Portual so much, laws ended up changing drastically, YouTubers are the worth prague the country ever had


Hi, thank you for the video! I missed the deadline for the NHR program and was wondering how is the new program called? And if I become a regular tax resident, can I still apply for a new program afterwards? Thank you!


Hi Maria if I have crypto A the 8 months, for example, then I traded it for crypto B, and this I hold for 1.5 yrs and then take it to the bank (so no tax). What happens to the first trade? Since you are liable for tax once you release to the bank, but that one never left "crypto sphere".


I still have no idea if my crypto will be taxed in Portugal.


Digital nomads global source incomes are exempted from tax in 2024?


Thank you very much for the information.


14:00 What's the best way to make money from crypto trading investment?


This should be updated or taken out, many things have changed for example the exclusion of NFT's


So what's the impact on cyrpto taxes?
