Infertility: The Hidden Struggle | Jessica Bourke | TEDxDunLaoghaire

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We are struggling to conceive for the last 5yrs. We've tried every fertility treatments even left my jobbt resulted in 3 failed IVF cycles. I have lost all hopes and stopped socialising bcoz of blunt comments. This talk is really encouraging... ❤️


I’ve had 6 miscarriages sense I was 16. I’m now 32 and still dreaming about my husband and I having a baby


I'm someone who has endometriosis and have been trying to have my own child for a long time now. It may not be meant to be. This talk helped. ❤️


Loved this! We certainly need to be talking about infertility in schools and beyond. There is much work to be done!


This was a lovely talk. My partner and I have been going through IVF for 2 years and I'm just nearing 40 now. I relate to so much of what she talks about, but I was thrown off a bit by her daughter talking to her about trans people. I don't understand how that relates to infertility at all. Living the life you are comfortable with requires you to have a chance at life in the first place, which is what the infertility struggle is about.


"We all have hidden struggles but the real issue is our fear of jugment"


I know what I'm about to write sounds crazy, but I'm glad the world is falling apart, because knowledge of what's headed our way is the only thing that helps me find comfort with infertility. Knowing I don't want to bring a child into this world...


I just got my ticket to the early hysterectomy club.
I wanted to be a mother more than anything is the world and that's gone.
I don't know what to do with myself.


I'm so bitter that I was encouraged to be everything BUT a mother. It's all I ever wanted to be, but even as a former ward of the state I felt the need to complete (and go into debt) for a college degree. I'm too depressed to use that degree at this point. I'm about to be 38 soon, have had multiple miscarriages, and infertility treatments aren't working.


So insightful and passionately said. If only there was more people like Jessica. She’s worth her weight in gold! 😊


Instead of leaving her... can't we keep loving her, stay with she's not a machine who's duty is to give birth so that our family lineage continues.... I'll still love her instead of leaving her just because due to some medical issues she can't bear baby... brothers don't leave her such situations all you do to her is leaving them is not with her in this tough period❤


I feel a big elephant in the room to trying to educate about fertility and fertility problems to have them more accepted and not ashamed is religion. I grew up Catholic. I have many family members that have experienced miscarriage and recurrent miscarriage, but since Catholicism prohibits IVF have never taken that path. Well, for my husband and I it was the only path to fulfill my calling to be a mother. But I can never tell my family. This led to a massive shift within myself, and I cannot justify baptizing my son into a faith that believes he should not have been created via IVF. I still field questions about when his baptism will be. I try to have patience, and tell myself it is not my job to make someone agree or support me. But I still wish I could have their support.


How can I share my Infertility story on Ted Talk? I got pregnant after years of struggling, 6 IUIs, 5 IVF's, and doctors giving me less than 1% chance of getting pregnant (just because I am almost 40).... THREE months later I was pregnant..."JUST" by changing and shifting my mindset.


This Ted Talk absolutely gave me no insight into infertility. Waste of time to listen to.


She had me until I found out she had a kid. People w children can’t relate..


Well said, I completely agree with the view shared, Thank you.


An advocate for infertility and she has a daughter wow


Surrogacy is different than a kidney donation actually. Bc unless someone is volunteering, as is the only legal option in the UK and much of Europe, there is the unjust element of wealth inequality. The only way someone would go thru sthg as life threatening as pregnancy for a stranger is bc they r too poor to afford what they need in life otherwise. This is especially immoral as surrogates are required to be mothers beforehand. So this is essentially their way of making ends meet for their families in a hyper capitalist country. U gotta ask yourself if a rich mother would do that? I haven't seen a single example to date. It's so obviously about $$


We have male factor infertility, we been ttc for 3 years I’m 26 he’s 43


This talk made me feel worse. Ivf and surrogacy is not the same as cancer treatments and you know it. Its okay if we dont want to do that. We need to value mothers and stop lying to young girls that their job is the pinnacle of fulfillment
