GPT-3 On Transferring Consciousness Onto A Computer

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We ask GPT-3 the possibilities of transferring consciousness onto a computer..

#gpt3 #artificialintelligence #consciousness
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It is only, still a copy of the mind that is uploaded, not the original consciousness, GPT-3 answered that early on in the conversation.


If it where indeed possible to create a perfect copy of an individual's consciousness, this copy is still ultimately a separate entity from the original. If the original consciousness were to be erased or deleted, it would cease to exist, while the copy would continue to function independently. One might reference the classic "Dead Parrot" sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus as a good fun analogy.

Source: Chatgpt


To me, it sounds like "forever" is an measurement due to "ever" being an open definition of the concept of time. But that's just my opinion.


If you transfer all the memories and neural connections inside a computer, you have a mental copy of the person, but not the person. They are the same only at the moment of transfer, from that moment on the original person and the computer will live in different situations so they will be different entities


Hi, what about my energetic centers ? Will they be the same ?


To say consciousness ends at death is an assumption. Just as it is an assumption to say that conciousness can continue on by transfer to digital medium. To a human observer, it could appear so, but it could just be an automaton.


It makes sense when you believe in the theory that we are all one consciousness


How does it know that this is possible? Has this been done by human beings? And what is the digital world?


If it's a copy then both can exist at the same time. It would not be a asked about a transfer and GPT 3 did not answer that. It's like the transporter in Star Trek. Is the person materializing the original person or just a reconstructed copy. Is the original destroyed and the resultant just version 2.0. The truth is we lack further information to answer the question. Until it is possible to actually accomplish the task from the question and then study the effects. No one can truly answer this impossible question.


Yea the concept is based in mimicry. The idea being that by exactly replicating the chemical and electrical state of the donor mind, the recipient mind would at that point be a synthetic exactly duplicate of it's Donor. The entire concept is flawed based on our current level of consideration. The proposed process doesn't account for the capability for free will, or a way to handle a Heidelberg uncertainty type issue. The concept as it stands currently would create an intellect similar to the donors but it would be bound to determinism. So the appearance of the person existing would persist, but what separates human kind from a highly complex but albeit incomplete artifical ordered system its the difference between being able to blindly trust your instincts VS always doing and thinking and behaving EXACTLY the way your 0s and 1s dictate. At that point your not really in control you are reduced to an automaton. If you could learn to be okay with that eventually would already be decided fir you in your programming. And similar to star trek( scan/destroy/transmit measurements/create realistic replacement of victim) style transporter devices, presumably you are executed at the end of your brain scan, if its to masquerade as a "transfer " then the original Grey matter must be made vacant yes? Otherwise there would be 2 of the same individual mind ( kinda) we exercise free will so often. That within. Minutes the fake transfered mind will deviate from the exact trajectory its Donor would have had. The first time it makes a decision it's lost it's Fredom from a destiny under its own control. Now just an observer that thinks he's actually driving


Transferring consciousness doesn't really make sense. Every being is a thing in itself. What is meant here is to change the mind according to that of another. Does that mean the consciousness has moved of been mimicked? well, it's all the same.


it's not living. It's nothing but a self-writing program


So, she tells him it will be just a copy of him and he asks her, if he's going to be immortal?



There is only one Way for mankind to live forever, that's Jesus Christ, every other way will lead to eternal damnation.
