GR Anime Discussion: Endless Eight (Haruhi Suzumiya)

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Part 2 of 3 in Arkada's discussions of Haruhi Suzumiya!
Originally Released: December 23rd 2013

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Wow. It took 15532 days (595 years) for Kyon to get his homework done. Pathetic. Can't say I wouldn't do the same though. Procrastination for the win.


When Kyon finally decided to do his homework I cried tears of joy. 

That and I flipped a few tables.


*mentions endless 8*

*war flashbacks*


I had the option to skip it, but I still watched the whole thing. The extreme, almost orgasmic relief in the eight episode when it finally ended almost made it worth it.


i think it was secretly genius. no anime had ever done something like this, no one ever will again, and so it accomplished something that can never be accomplished again: actually immerse us in a time loop. let me tell you, first time i watched this, by the end of the 7th loop episode i felt the drag and desperation the same way Kyon did, and I can't bring myself to call that a fault


I think it could have been cut to 4 episodes.

1. Plays normally
2. Deja Vu sets in
3. What's happening is explained
4. The loop is broken


Endless Eight was a really unique experience. And I'm SOOOO glad that I didn't hear anything about this happening before watching this anime. Endless eight (i assume) is an entirely different experience if you have no idea when its going to stop. By the time I was into episode 3 I was thinking 'well is this gonna be the episode they get out?' then I get to episode 6 and I seriously start thinking that the entire second season is gonna be like this. Had I known that it would have ended the eighth episode I might have just ended up skipping until the eighth episode. Not knowing when it was all going to stop made me feel like I was in the endless loop with them. Now I'm not gonna say it was a 'good' idea to have in there, but it was definitely a unique experience that I would probably never get from any other anime. And that's why I liked the Endless Eight.


The 5 times I re-watched Haruhi... I never skipped an episode from the endless 8 arc.


I think EE was ridiculous, but i'd also say it was genius. It basically puts the viewer into Yuki's exact mindset: frustrated, bored, angry, and really ready to make someone pay. The fans wanted KyotoAni to pay, Yuki wanted Haruhi to pay. You can't watch Disappearance without watching 1, 4, and 8 of EE. If you do, it just isnt the same.


My friend told me about how when he was watching this show, it was during a stressful time in his life where he just went to work every day of the week and watched Haruhi after very long shifts. When he got to the endless eight, he said it almost made him go insane, because not only was he doing the same thing at work for 12 hours, he also came back home just to find out that he watched the same damn episode every time 😂


If you uploaded this same video 8 times


The only good thing about Endless Eight is that the writer used it's events to later give Yuki more character development.

There is actually a bit of foreshadowing in the anime about how tired Yuki is of the loops. Look at the first episode of the arc, the scene in the soda shop, and then look at that same scene in the last ep. Yuki is visibly depressed in the latter.


Alright, let's try this dance again. This time with no random black space.


I think Kyoto wanted us to feel what Yuki was feeling throughout the 250 years she spent going through all those loops, which leads up to certain other situations (don't wanna spoil)


**Angrily rises up to defend Doctor Who** *. . .* **Realizes he's right.**


I liked the idea of the Endless Eight. But 8 episodes was a bit excessive. I think 2 or 3 episodes would have been sufficient. However, if it were only 3 episodes it wouldn't really be endless.
They took a bit of a gamble on this one, but I'd say it paid off. Not the most entertaining choice, but it sticks in our minds and makes us think about it. And that is what it's all about, right?


I understand why people would be pissed. I feel closer to the characters if that makes any sense. I felt like The last endless eight was so worth it. I see what you did there at 7:35


I literally shat myself when Kyon said HANG ON A SECOND!


Endless Eight is the most brilliant, insane piece of television, and should be taught in any film master class. It most definitely isn't for the casual viewer, though... but yes, *everyone* should watch it at least once in their life.


I felt so much sympathy for Yuki during endless eight, having to watch your friends (Yes. She did consider them friends, especially Kyon.) go through the same two weeks for thousands of years. She must have felt so alone.


I don't mind feeling the frustration, that's kind of the point of it. People don't complain when they watch something that causes pretty much every other emotion, but this kind of frustration and hopelessness is off the table? This arc had me saying out loud in pained tones "JUST SAY ANYTHING!" If that's what they were going for, they did it perfectly.

Not that I'll ever watch it again, mind you.
