What Are You Required to Do at a Traffic Stop?

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What should you do at a traffic stop? 👮‍♂️ What are your constitutional rights?

Remember, you always have the right to remain silent, but you need to express that you're invoking that right. You need to say, "I'm invoking my Fifth Amendment right to remain silent." Also, remember that you're protected against unnecessary search and seizure.

What is required of you is to provide your driver's license, proof of insurance, and registration. Yes, I know what people in TikTok comments say, but you ARE legally required to provide these things under each state's transportation code.

Also, make sure to keep your hands visible at all times and don't make any sudden movements, ESPECIALLY if you have any type of weapon in the vehicle. This will protect both you and the officer from an altercation.
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What I do for a traffic stop is this; after stopping, turn inside dome light on so that the cop can see inside, keep hands on the steering wheel, keep all of your documents in a visor document holder for easy access and keep still until the cop comes to the window. Let them know that I am getting my documents from the holder, and refuse to answer any other questions.


Keep your glove box and center console closed, even if you had a document stored there. The cops see guns everywhere they look, and the cop will see a gun in an open glove box.


Basically, whenever you're interacting with police you have to understand that your life is in danger.


Most traffic stops are pretextual and therefore is a motive for officers to fabricate false driver behavior claims in order to escalate the stop. If they're on a DWI or drug interdiction task force, it's an excuse to detain and question driver. Also known as harassment.


Why cops can claim officer safety and murder people, but a civilian can’t defend them selves against unlawful actions is beyond me


I remember the old days. You got pulled over & you knew you deserved a ticket. You get out & meet the officer, greet him courteously & shake his hand. After you do or don't get a ticket, you shake his hand again & you're on your way. It really WAS like that back in the 70s. And I am from here in Ft. Worth, where this officer is.

I sure miss the good ol days.


Well, 100% of the time the cop is well beyond armed and dangerous. Of course, we have to take the victim position as we do in our workplaces and, usually, homes.


Do NOT just stay quiet, that can be seen as non-compliance. Say you envoke the Fifth and then stay quite to any questions.
Ofc you'll probably get ticketed anyways, sometimes talking with the officer and treating them like humans is a good idea, sometimes it isn't,


You don't even NEED to make movements to claim furtive movements. It's the same as the tail light being out: an excuse they use to strip you of your rights.


Now I know what I'm required to do at a traffic stop!!!! 🎉


Or more likely, you did nothing wrong.and the cop is just fishing and will falsely state a reason for pulling you over.

Even if there are no "furtive movements, " the cop will falsely say there were. Police perjury is rampant; judges and prosecutors tolerate this.

Cops make fake DUI arrests to earn overtime and score MADD awards and departments qualify for NHTSA grant money from generating arrests. MADD makes money from victim "participation fees" of $75, $100, or more from each person arrested that the court orders to attend a victim impact panel. Conviction is not necessary, a court may order this as a term of bail or a diversionary program. A cop who makes 100 arrests generates $10, 000 for MADD. Of course they're going to reward this! MADD wants as many people arrested as possible because that is how they make money.


Officers all over the country at some point in time:
"These guys are moving like Flash. Not Flash the Speedster, Flash the Sloth."


The bottom line is, don't resist. I've always said that a lot of people get killed in a lot of people get killed and a lot of people get problems. Yeah, I'm unusual all the time. All these things could be avoidable, don't resist overnight. Since don't resist simple, you're not gonna win. An argument with a police officer on this caught if you have your ducks in order. But I'm the police have to control everything, not you.


Hampton law, could you do a video about being a legal concealed carry permits when pulled over. Even Constitutional carry


A cop said why are you so nervous, and i told him because i might be kidnapped soon and i am terrified of my family not being able to live normally.
He said who! And looked around and
i said by the guy that pulled behind me...
He said real funny
I said not really i dont trust any cop after being locked up for a month because a cop had a bad attitude
He left and came back and said look man were all not bad and left.


Do a video about border checkpoints. I went through one and hesitated moving forward because the dog was very close to the wheel then the armed thug in a constitution free zone reprimanded me for not pulling all the way up.


I got stopped for turning my bright lights off. On a dark 2 lane road, someone flashed their bright lights at me, I thought I had my brights on by accident. I didn't see that car do a u-turn and pull up behind me. When I saw his police lights, of course I pulled over. I took out my license, registration and proof. I had my interior lights on. He had his hand on his weapon and yells at me about my brights being on. I replied I saw someone coming on the road towards me flashing their brights, so I thought mine were on. Then I asked: were they still on? And apologized. For whatever reason, he threatened me with a $150 ticket if it happened again and let me go (he never did answer my questions).

I looked up state law on the matter-no such ticket price or local law. I stopped driving at night and resolved never to help an officer ever.


I think the Attorney farted in this one. 😂


Wait... Can't I just live in the land of the free...home of the brave? Fuck Lawyers!


All about the power, control, and money .nothing about safety or justice. Only money, power, and control
