How Sikh Chefs Feed 100,000 People At The Gurudwara Bangla Sahib Temple In New Delhi, India

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Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the Gurudwara Bangla Sahib temple in New Delhi, India, feeds 30,000 to 40,000 people every day for free. And during religious holidays, that number can swell to well over 100,000. To keep up with demand, the kitchen uses machines to help cook a majority of its food.

We visited the temple during the birth anniversary of the 10th guru, Gobind Singh, to see how it prepares a celebratory feast in such big batches.

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This video teared me up. When I was working in New Delhi at a meager wage, I used to go to Bangla Sahib everyday to feed myself and not sleep hungry. After getting my first proper job, the first thing I did was to donated my first pay cheque at this place. I dont live in India anymore but I have immense love and respect for the people who run this place. Thank you Insider Food for making this video and telling people about the benevolence of Sikkhism.


When I Iost my job and was in danger of starving to death, I learned that the local Sikh Temple offered food to those who need it. I'm a Christian but they welcomed me and gave me food everytime I went there for almost 2 months until I finally got a job. Much respect to the Sikhs, if it wasn't for them I won't be here typing this.


“Here a king and a beggar are treated with the same respect”
Sikhism is such a beautiful religion, it brings tears of joy to my eyes. Much love to the Sikh community from a humble Christian ❤️


Feeding people no matter what their ethnicity, mother tongue, religion, caste, economy background is phenomenal. Thank you for this great community service. Feeding hungry is one of the greatest deed in life.


When my mom was admitted in RML hospital, which was just beside gurdwara, I used to carry prasad of langar in my tiffin for my family who were in continues for 1 and a half month....
We will always be thankful to gurudwara Bangla sahib❤
Bolo Satyanam waheguruji😊


I once missed my flight back home for my grandfather’s funeral and i was crying at the gate until a sardar uncle came up and asked what was wrong. I explained i had no money and missed my flight for the funeral. He went ahead out of his way to put me on the next flight and paid for it. Im still grateful and now we’re basically family


Sikhs are the nicest and most generous people I’ve ever met. Wherever Sikhs go in the world, they are one of the first to volunteer to serve the community.


Happy to see the large kitchens like these throughout the country feeding the masses of poor and hungry. There's no greater Satisfaction than to watch hungry people fed tasty food


I went to Amritsar twice.. The sikhs are the most generous and honest community I have seen....
From Gujarat ❤🇮🇳
❤ to Sikhs


I stay in hongkong . Here there is big and beautiful gurudwara. I m not Sikh but I feel so pleasant and peaceful when I enter the worship place, I sit there quietly and feel the positivity. Also the langar prasad is good. About Sikh religion the best thing that I appreciate is they way they treat everyone in langar. People give service by serving the food, cooking cleaning everything. They are inclusive and treat everyone with so much love. Serving food and treating everyone equal, respecting everyone and greeting everyone with smile is what I always see .


Visited this place whilst travelling years ago with my wife, they literally don't ask for anything, no questions asked, ant religion/people are welcome. Obviously have a little money because we could. Also Dehli is SO LOUD, but this temple which is right in the heart of Delhi is somehow one of the most peaceful places I have ever been


Feeding hungry is the most noble work which wins the heart of the needy, May God bless this generous sikh community & give them all the health & wealth to carry on this most noble work, which benefits mankind all over the world👍


It always amazes me, Sikh kitchens like this. It's such hard work and they're so good at what they do. Thank goodness for them.


I am Hindu from India. Believe me this is the not the only one, there are many gurudwara which feeds thousands and even lakhs of people for free irrespective of their religion, colour, caste .They are doing great job .Waheguru🙏


Although i am a Muslim but i have a huge respect for Sikhism. Due to their humbleness and such a great step to feeding people whether they are Hindus or Muslims or any religion. May he be rich or poor.
Thanks to the people who have the generosity to continue this work❤️


The head chef is so appreciative of all the modern kitchen instruments so much. It is because he is the one who has seen the transformation from manual to automatic. But the next generation will not be like this and will take all the equipments for granted.


Sikhs give others a really strong feeling of comfort, peace, and respect that is hard to find in other places.


Sikhs are actually the kindest people and they are not selfish


I am currently taking world religions class in my school and Sikhism is the most interesting so far. We went to a gurudwara and got to eat the free food, and I felt surprisingly unjudged. I was raised in a catholic elementary school (I am not catholic anymore)so I’m used to being laughed at for accidentally making noise during the time in church that the gurudwara’s lack of judgement made me feel happy. Also the food is so good I want to have it again


It is incredible to be surrounded by one of Canada's biggest Sikh communities here in Vancouver, BC. Being unemployed, concerned with student debt, and struggling to find work for the last 12 months, I've been going to Gurudwaras to eat, as well as Hindu mandirs, which has helped ease the burden greatly. I would love to donate back to all of them when I am financially in a better place, but I will always be forever grateful to them.

I also love that food at langar is so delicious and wholesome as well (restaurants often put way too much salt and oil). I highly recommend anyone struggling with food and financial security to visit your local Gurudwara; they are accepting of all races and religions. Wishing a happy Vaisakhi as well to anyone celebrating two weeks from now!
