Cold War Spy Discloses His Secret Soviet Operations | Minutes With | UNILAD

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In this episode of ‘Minutes With’ we sit down with David Butler, a former British spy who was active in East Berlin during the Cold War. David takes us through some of his most dangerous missions including a time when the Stasi chased his vehicle across soviet occupied East Germany. David also shines a light on the less glamorous side of spying, like the time he had to search through Soviet rubbish dumps for any secrets they’d thrown out - not something you see James Bond do very often.

This episode was brought to you by UNILAD, PS5 and Activision.

#CallofDuty #ColdWar #UNILAD #LADbible

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my mom used to manage a retirement/assisted living facility and one of her patients was an FBI agent from the cold war and a WWII veteran and he used to haft to have a lot of surgery and when ever he had to have surgery there had to be an FBI agent in the room with him to make sure that he doesn't disclose any secret information i got to talk to him a few times and he is the nicest cool guy you will ever meet in your life when he would tell you about his storys from working at the FBI he would like tell something but leave a big bit of it out and if you asked about it he would just wink and smile it was funny but annoying he unfortunately died 2 years ago. Miss you john

Man dug through piles of shit stained documents for Queen and Country. Respect, man. Lol


imagine the amount of things he didn't tell us


I see, PS5 promoting games pretty well.


I remember another tank story where the BRIXMIS happened across where an ERA brick was just tossed aside by a soldier.

Was taken for analysis and gave huge info up. Incredible stories


The Russians had exactly the same teams operating quite legally in West Germany. In fact their base was inside the base of a British Army Unit in a town called Lubbeke. I remember going to a dinner as a young officer with a group of Russians in the camp. Very surreal. Both sides operated quite legally and were given areas they could and couldn't go. Airfields and military bases were of course out of bounds but in a cat and mouse game each side tried to get close to them anyway! If caught the worst that would happen would be that the team would be kicked out of the country and invited not to return. The main aim of these military missions was to have a presence in each others countries so that the teams could confirm to their governments that the enemy was not about to launch a surprise attack. Actually quite a good idea if you think about it! They used to follow big exercises to make sure the armies were not actually going to just keep going and launch a surprise attack.


Friendly reminder: this is just the surface.


Who knew mr Bond was digging through garbage, they left that out of the film


So perfectly put. In this world of information we know less than what these people knew before the internet and mass communication. in the dark the public is.


He looks so normal, the best spies always do!


During my practice teaching, I worked with a German teacher (American born & raised) who spoke the language with zero clue he wasn't German. Also was a former spy. I sussed this out by his constant need for Mylanta for a destroyed stomach lining. "My time in foreign service." I'm good at asking questions, and he did reveal he worked in Berlin doing something that may have involved getting people in and out of the DDR. As long as he didn't give the name of the organization (not CIA) or precisely what all they did. They were given very high-powered methamphetamines in powerful little pills to take as needed. Two years and he had a ruined stomach.


So that's how we got the information on the T80s !


So this guy spent hours picking up poop-smeared papers people had wiped their butts with... truly the life of a spy is not as glamorous as the movies try to make it seem, lol.


This guy is such a badass. Putting himself on the front lines to bring down a totalitarian regime. Mad respect, mate.


Damn, i guess this guy really liked the new Call of duty cold war campaign


Just awesome. Such a different time... and he's so right at the end about today's world.


Me reading Cold War
My Brain: We got a job to do


Wish i'd joined the forces. My dad was in the RAF and i think working as part of something bigger would've done me good.


i like to see that Black Ops Cold War is getting promoted on Unilad


Hands down the best thing on YouTube right now
