Using Mamiya RZ67 Lenses || How To

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Just for clarification: the socket on the lens is called the Mirror-up socket. Once you screw the cable release into this socket and the red ring becomes visible it means that the camera is in mirror-up mode. In this mode you need to press the main shutter release first which will move the mirror up but the shutter remains closed. After that you press the plunger on the cable release will operate the shutter. Very nifty feature to reduce camera vibrations from mirror slap. Removing the cable release will bring the camera back to normal operation. Of course, you can also attach the cable release to the main shutter release button if you don't have the need to lock up the mirror first (tripod mounted, portrait or macro photography. Mamiya's special two cable release is connected to the lens and the main shutter release button. When pushing the plunger halfway down you will hear the mirror move up and when you depress it fully you can hear the shutter in the lens operate.
Last time I used my RZ67 ProII must have been about 8 or 10 years ago. Your video actually 'forced' me to pull the camera and user manual out of storage and for that I thank you so much. Now I'm itching to go out and get back into the game.
Great channel, keep up the good work.


Ahhh, thank you. A used RZ67 arrived and I was worried the 110 2.8 lens was broken because I couldn't get the blades to open and couldn't see through the camera. Turns out whoever shipped it must have put it back on the camera uncocked. As soon as I took then lens off I was able to get it to open up thanks to this video. Haven't shot a roll yet so I'm not 100% confident it's good to go yet but at least I can see through the lens now! lol. Thanks for the run down.


Cant wait for Rz Body to Rb lenses! Thank you for this!


Finally learned about how that blue ring works. Thanks Nico!


Thanks, Nico. I always learn something new form you! And enjoy all the RZ67 content!


You're missing the point re: attaching a cable release to the lens. It's not necessary unless you want to lock up the mirror before your exposure. If you're not concerned with locking up the mirror, you can attach the cable release to the camera.


Now i know what the T/N setting is for. Excellent informative video as usual Nico.


also Nico, a tip with this style of M_UP system (K\L lenses for the RB are the same), if the collar won't return to normal, gently pull up on the cable while turning in the lostening direction ( some cable releases unscrew before the M_UP sleive is rotated to 'OFF', and leaves this mode 'ACTIVE' so you are left wondering why won't it fire with the body release?)- it is the spring pressure of the collar helix, pressing firmly onto the thread, pulling up releases this friction, allowing the helix to turn.


Nico, another tip, with what you said about the T mode, DO it THAT way, NEVER push the cocking lever to 'shut the shutter', same with the K\L lenses for the RB, push the "B" button, or via cable release, OR take it off T, toggle switch, as you do here, or the SPEED dial, the instruction leaflet in the K\L lens box is quite clear on this point.


Excellent channel, thanks Nico!
Great lens & camera


good video Nico, but the 'KNOB' ( on RB67) or this silver collar is the Mirror-up function, when activating this collar what you actually do is disconnect the shutter action from the mirror (operated all the time by the BODY shutter button), and this cable release is operating the shutter ONLY, not both at the same time, however the mirror needs to be actuated first, before the shutter can be fired.


Nice video Nico, I really would like a video about the best starter lenses for the RB/RZ or do you have any suggestions?


Hi! Thanks for the video. Can I ask if I were to insert the cable release onto the body instead, what will happen?


So if you shoot in the no battery position, you will be able to exceed the 1 min. max exposure?


Hi Nico, which tripod ballhead you are using in this video


On the right of the lens, there's a black notch that seems to change to amount of light entering the lens. Is this like a variable filter? Does it affect the image or is it just to make to viewed image easier to see in the view finder in bright conditions? Any help on this.


Nico I've got a question for you that you may or may not be able to help with. I have an RB67 with a Sekor NB 1:38 f = 127 mm lens that will not fire anymore. It's always been a bit slow, when I used fired the shutter it would take ~10 seconds for the lens to fire, but the actual shutter speed was right. Now, after sitting for a few months, it won't fire at all, the leaves inside the lens get stuck. I'm guessing it's some old grease or something inside the lens gunking up the works? But I live in New Zealand and there isn't a soul here who can fix it.

I dare not take it apart myself except as an absolute last resort, so I was thinking about submerging it in ethanol to try and break up whatever grease is in there since I don't think that will damage the camera and, working at a university, I have access to tons of ethanol.


Do you know how the diopter lens for waist level finder work?..mean, if I use glasses to read up close.. which diopter number I need, if I don't want use glases...-1 or +1


I've been looking for a DOF table for the 110mm. Impossible to find one, which is an issue when shooting at close range (close portraits for example)


Hi, after I detach my release cable the port which it attaches to on the lens still shows the red ring, and I cannot get the camera to do a normal exposure without the release cable. Am I missing something that is required when removing the release cable in order to get the release port to return to its previous position?
