How to Pronounce Ja Ju Jo - Japanese Pronunciation

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In this Japanese pronunciation video, you will learn how to pronounce Ja, Ju, Jo. In Hiragana and Katakana, Ja, Ju, Jo are spelled in 2 different ways: じゃ, じゅ, じょ or ぢゃ, ぢゅ, ぢょ and ジャ, ジュ, ジョ or ヂャ, ヂュ, ヂョ. They are pronounced in exactly the same way. However, the latter Ja, Ju, Jo are barely used anymore, so this video only covers the former Ja, Ju, Jo.

Ja, Ju, Jo: These contracted sounds in the Japanese language are called Yōon (拗音), sounds represented by combined characters. Yōon is a set of sounds that are made up of the consonants in the [i] row plus [a], [ɯ], or [o] vowel. For example, Ja is pronounced with the [dʑ] or [ʑ] consonant plus the [a] vowel.

As mentioned above, Ja, Ju, Jo are pronounced in 2 different ways. When they are at the beginning of words or after ん or a small つ, Ja, Ju, Jo are pronounced with the [dʑ] consonant. When they are in the middle of words or at the end of words, Ja, Ju, Jo are pronounced with the [ʑ] consonant.

In this video, there are a detailed explanation and practice for the pronunciation of the combination sounds, Ja, Ju, Jo.

#japaneselanguage #japanesepronunciation #japaneseforbeginners
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I'm trying to start outputting soon, and this whole series is a really good foundation for that (along with Dogen patreon videos) thank you!!!


Thanks man. I'm working on numbers right now and じやう throws me off. Honestly, any "y" (やゆよ) characters intimidate me because of the variations they can make like kyu ect.


Hi Mei, just wanted to ask, is there a difference between the toungue position when pronouncing を and お? thanks!


so why do we say ja instead of jya like bya byo and byo
