Top 10 Things You Need to Know about THROW - Part 1 (Intro, 1-4)

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Dr. Dave demonstrates the 10 most important things you need to know about throw in your game. This is a two part series:

- at 2m21s, the left spin showed should be gearing outside (right) spin instead.

Topics covered in Part 1 include:

Introduction to Throw [0:00]
---- cut-induced throw (CIT) [0:03]
---- spin-induced throw (SIT) [0:32]
1. No Throw with Gearing Outside Spin [1:52]
---- example [2:35]
---- should you use gearing outside spin on every shot? [3:06]
2. Throw Can Often be Ignored [3:42]
---- example [4:07]
3. Aim Thinner to Account for CIT [5:00]
---- example [5:31]
4. Shots with the Most Throw [6:11]
---- slow-roll shot and alternatives [6:17]
---- spin shots [8:34]
Wrap-Up [9:26]

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Good Luck With Your Game!!!
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- at 2m21s, the left spin showed should be gearing outside (right) spin instead.

*Topics Covered in Part 1:*
Introduction to Throw [0:00]
---- cut-induced throw (CIT) [0:03]
---- spin-induced throw (SIT) [0:32]
1. No Throw with Gearing Outside Spin [1:52]
---- example [2:35]
---- should you use gearing outside spin on every shot? [3:06]
2. Throw Can Often be Ignored [3:42]
---- example [4:07]
3. Aim Thinner to Account for CIT [5:00]
---- example [5:31]
4. Shots with the Most Throw [6:11]
---- slow-roll shot and alternatives [6:17]
---- spin shots [8:34]
Wrap-Up [9:26]

*Supporting Resources:*

*Subscribe to Dr. Dave's YouTube channel (and be sure to turn on bell notifications):*


And there I was: always thinking that my aiming is poor for longer shots when in reality I wasn't compensating for throw!
An eye opening video. Thanks so much!
With some practice and experimentation I hope my long shots will get better.


Your system for aiming with side spin, and understanding throw videos have greatly improved my gameplay!! I've tried teaching this to my friend a few times in the past and he didnt want to hear it lol.. Now that I beat him all the time, he asked me to explain this "new system of mine" to him.. And he too has improved greatly.. Thanks for the awesome vids! Keep up the awesome content!


Great videos. Been playing for years just off of what I learned at the table but got frustrated that I couldn't close off enough games. I thought I was decent at cutting the ball but I had no concept of throw. What a game that you can play for so long and not know all the fundamentals.


I apologize for not being a subscriber sooner. Didn't realize I wasn't since I was still getting recommendations. But when you mentioned the stat in another video about a lot of your viewers not being subscribers, I looked and was not. You should keep mentioning that to people. You've taught me a lot and my friends and I used to say "don't be a jerk" a lot. Not so much any more though, with good reason, because it doesn't happen very much any more lol. Thank you, sir!


Thank you for this lesson. Similarly to what most have been saying, I have been playing pool for ages and just learned about this concept. Much love from Manila!


Thanks a lot for these videos. It helps me tremendously and it is the best educational material on the internet. ♥️


I truly believe that this is the hardest part of learning pool, I been trying to work on this and still having problem, GIR I am okay. But CIT is kicking my a$$, It must be something to do with speed control, I'm ether hitter to hard or to softer. Thanks Dave for all your hard work, and great lesson.


Thank you Dr Dave . My cut shots using gearing outside spin are almost perfect shot .This is a very high percentage shot to pocket the ball.


This video gives the answer that I sometimes make: “how did I miss that”


Perfect DrDave He he he.. thats why sometime I use the ghostball for aiming. Aiming was perfecf but I still missed the shot. This is the reason, thank you so much! 👌🏻💕


Finally, I was waiting for so long for this. Thank you very much!


Good content. For shots where I know there will be a good amount of C.I.T. I simply aim for the far side of the pocket (opposite side of the throw direction). Tends to send the ball straight in the pocket.


8:35 I don't really aim thick in that situation most of the time because of deflection. I have a terrible cue lol.


This is the best pool lesson I've ever seen, going to watch it several times, no wonder i miss shots thinking it was just poor aim, so does dead center cue ball hit create 0 throw but see gear outside spin is the safest? you may have answered that but will watch again, Thanks Doc


Good day, Dr. Dave! Thank you for posting educational videos about pool. I really improved a lot. I hope you can make a detail video about masse shots because I'm still confused on how to judge a masse shot and where to hit the cue ball. Anyways, great videos!


Is the "faster speed and backspin/topspin" (4:40) to reduce throw because some of that spin is transferred to the OB and breaks initial friction between OB and the cloth? I'm assuming the cloth friction is the reason CB-OB friction is translated as throw. Or because the backspin puts initial roll on the OB creating initial friction down the correct shot line? If so, not sure why top spin would work, except the hard speed as you mentioned.


Amazing knowledge. I will work on it...


Awesome! Thank you for honoring my request ;) :D


Dr Dave thanks for the scientific, engineering point of view in pool. 🙏
