Hate the Taste of Celery Juice? Here's What You Can Do

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Do you think that celery juice tastes awful? Then this video is for you!
I share with you, why most people dislike the taste of straight celery juice in the beginning.

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I see clients every day that want to get the benefits of celery juice BUT their tastebuds hate celery juice. Do you relate?
Here is what you can do about the bad taste of celery juice...

📚 “Celery Juice” by Medical Medium / Anthony William

// V I D E O S to watch next

Why You Should Drink Celery Juice - 7 Crazy Health Benefits of Celery Juice

Playlist: Celery Juice - All your questions answered!


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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by Peggy Schirmer / Gut Feelings, are published for educational and informational purposes only. They are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Please consult a physician or other healthcare practitioner for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.

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Hi Peggy... I just want to say that celery juice may cause high blood pressure for some ppl, I’m 36 years old and I started having high blood pressure symptoms after weeks of drinking this juice in the morning... i believe it is relatively high in sodium so be careful!


It is a potent taste but I like it I can feel the goodness in it😀 first time It did not taste good but now i love it just like u said!


It really tastes awful and I am usually not a taste-sensitive person. I am on my 4th day only and feel sick after drinking only one glass in the morning. My stomach and gut like it okay but I feel nauseous after drinking it. I pray for the magic to happen soon!


I love the taste. And it depends on the batch. Some are sweet, some are very celery tasting and some have a bite. If the ends are brown trim them - I’ve found that helps along with cutting the leafs. Don’t use baking soda - use a clean not fragrance bio friendly soap…just a drop. Definitely do the full MM protocol to get the most benefit.


First time eating celery since I was a child and it tastes just as bad as I remember! I came to YouTube looking for answers, but I guess I’ll just have to try and get through the two bags that I bought and see if it changes like you say!! I’m finding that houmous is cancelling out the sharp taste, but I do wonder how people can pop open a bag of celery and start eating 🤢


Hi Peggy, Yep, I still do not like the taste of celery. I use the leaves and I like the vital goodness of celery. I plant the root end of the stalk just beneath the soil in my garden and new celery grows from it. Smiling, George.


Thank you for your videos!!

I have had problems with my stomach for three years now (
nausea and pain), last year has been better but then I have got so many small pimples on my chin instead? So like 3 new small pimples EVERY morning ... The rest of the face I have nothing, it's just the chin ..
For 2 months ago I started on a juice detox for 10 days, and then really tried eat as clean as I could. Then I came by your videos about 3 weeks ago and have been looking at almost every one of them! I have cut off egg, gluten, dairy, corn and soy. I have been drinking celery juice every morning on an empty stomach, taking your specific recommendation on B12, zinc and vitamin c. Also taking collodial silver and Hawaiian spirulina.

Since I started for three weeks ago, I have been feeling bloating and some pain sometimes... And I also still wakening with pimples on my chin every morning. I believe everything you say, and want to heal naturally, but sometimes I just have doubts, because I cannot see improvements...
I know it can take time, but how long do you think it can be til I see any results?
Thank you!


Watch this playlist to give your microbiome a boost and overcome cravings forever!👇


I think it's the best tasting juice. Try kale juice.... :, (


I like celery juice from the beginning. I get a rush of happiness after taking the first few sips. I will admit the bottom of the glass may be full of fiber and not as tasty. 14 to 16 oz seems to be about my limit. Anything more than 16 oz is too much for me.


I have been drinking celery juice almost every day for the last six months (16-32 Oz)
My husband asked if it is healthy to drink celery juice every day forever and ever and ever and ever ?


Hello, I think you are a real inspiration. Must you use a juicer to get the full benefits? I've been using a blender because it's all I have at the moment


my doctor suggested i drink celery juice every day. i found it difficult. i drank sixteen ounces every morning and i couldn't wait to finish it. i did this for two weeks. then i quit. i laid off of it for a week and then resumed. i didn't enjoy it anymore than before. in fact, i was nauseous for days. so i just decided it wasn't for me. every day i stare at the juicer i bought just for this purpose. maybe i'll try it again minus the leaves as you suggest. i still am not looking forward to it though.


HI Peggy...did u ever do a video on how to actually grow sprouts? Id like to start to do this..Thanks!


today I had Organic Celery and it tasted like bad celery so in order to drink it I HAD to put an apple in it. Regular celery didn’t taste as bad. Interesting I wonder why this happened to me? 🤷‍♀️


This lockdown just makes it harder to acquire celeries. No more fresh veggies are being sold. Is it ok to just use celery powder for the meantime?


Recently i started drinking celery juice with leaves. They were trimmed down so there weren't as many leaves. My guess is that leaves should be also included. What do you think?


I’m ready to buy a masticating juicer but when I look online it’s a minefield of reviews and recommendations.

Can anyone suggest a great one that cleans well ??

Thanks !


It's Not bitter at all, but very salty!!! Who needs to drink a glass of salt water first thing in the morning??? But, starting it anyway, coz my liver (non-drinker & not overweight) & rest of my body needs it! Grateful for its healing properties but man, that taste!!!! 🙏😭😭😭
