DISTURBING! Woman Kills Her Boyfriend and Forgot She RECORDED IT! Sarah Boone & Jorge Torres

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She’s crazy for putting that man in a suitcase. He was literally begging her to get him out. I can only imagine what was going through this man’s head as he was suffering.


2 minutes in and describing yourself as a “straight A student” in your 30’s is already a blaring red flag


There's no way she's not guilty, what a horrific crime. She needs to rot in jail without parole.


side note, i just think it's funny she was bragging about being a straight A student when she's been out of school for 2 decades. lol.


This is absolutely insane. I have never heard something so cold and cruel in my life. The way she was taunting him when he was in the suitcase was flat out heartless.


I watched the full video of this man in the suitcase and hearing him repeatedly say that he can’t breathe sent chills up my spine. Such a horrific way to die. I’m claustrophobic so watching that video was like watching a horror film. I hope this woman gets exactly what she deserves for treating another human being in that way.


This story serves as a good example of a toxic relationship, and that men are also victims of domestic violence. Staying in a toxic relationship is dangerous, she sounds wasted and he sounds so desperate 😔 how horrible. Praying for his family 🙏


Even though we are the same age, being one of Christina’s babies has me drinking my water and looking forward to story time


I can't understand why neighbors always say "Oh it was a loud thud that wasn't normal" Or "I heard a loud scream like someone is in pain" and never calls the cops to ask for a welfare check! This is ridiculous. If you see or hear something! Say something!


Hearing him plead with her that was chilling. Poor man. What a horrible way to die by the hands of a narcissist.


She’s disgusting. You can hear she has no remorse for what she’s done. She was coherent enough to film a video and verbally taunt him so she KNEW exactly what she was doing.


Clearly, she doesn't understand the idea of 'hide and seek'. You don't 'hide' someone else in a suitcase in order to' find' them??? Did she think that someone was going to buy this? She is sadistic. Look forward to hearing the rest of this story.


This case is disturbing! She's a professional victim and professional Karen! Thanks for covering this Christina.


The video she had of him in the suit case begging for his not only broke my heart for Jorge but gave me a panic attack.... I can not imagine what Jorge went Sarah is an evil VILE HUMAN!! What an awful scary thing to do to a person.


Girl, I'm so watching this trial. Her attorney filed a motion indicating he could not represent her. This is why the trial was moved to November. She didn't want to be in a small pod at jail yet she denied Jorge air.


Hearing Jorge call out to her...heartbreaking is the only way to describe it. Thanks for bringing this story to light! Much love to you and your family Christina 💕


what’s freaking me out is how she has absolutely no remorse... like you would think she would be sobbing in the interrogation room pleading that she didn’t mean to but she’s just so nonchalant and freaky


Because of this case, I now look at my own suitcase that looks very similar, with fear. 😱 Justice for Jorge. ⚖️ Sarah knew what she was doing.


This story needs to be televised. Many people out there struggle with addiction (I myself have blacked out from over drinking). This has made me think twice about drinking excessively now 😟.


Never, once does she cry. She acts like she is inconvenienced. She is so concerned about what it's doing to her. It's unbelievable how cold and uncaring she is! Now it's almost 5 years later, she is still in jail waiting trail on her 8th Attorney, going on 9. It's still everyone else's fault, and she is being treated so unfair! Mn I'm so sorry for George and his family! George was held against his will and was tortured. She doesn't see it that way. She says this isn't fair! Yeah Sarah, it's not fair!
