Do Not Move From the City to the Country (Funny)

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Live Life DIY is about being self-reliant, self sufficient, and independent. You creating a fun, happy, lifestyle of freedom. Live Life DIY is the life you have always wanted to live, your dream lifestyle.

Please, I’m begging you, warning you, pleading with you, do not don’t move from the city to the country. Here’s why.

Self-Sufficient Moving to the Country
What do you need to know to move to the country? These videos explain things step-by-step.

Is moving from the city to the country smart? Will life actually be better in the country when you’re living in the city?

So, you are thinking of moving from the big city, the crime filled brightly lit concrete everywhere big city. And moving to the country, the low crime fresh air open spaces in the middle of nowhere country. But the question still is, will your life really be better living in the country?

Crime, what about crime, the country is safer than the city right? Wrong.

Sure, you have to deal with street thugs in the city. Situational awareness and all that, watch out you don’t get mugged. In the country you have creepy crawly bugs of all kinds. Spiders. Snakes, lots of snakes. Raccoons, coyotes and bears, oh my. In the city a two legged predator might mug you, but in the country there are critters that will eat you. Do you want to be eaten alive? Stay in the city. Please.

Money, hey, right or wrong good or bad for many people it’s about the money. The country is cheaper than the city right? Wrong.

In the city you probably live in a small apartment. Maybe you think the monthly payment is too much for such a small place. Out in the country you can get a much larger place probably even on a nice piece of land for a lot less money. But, in the long run is it really cheaper living in the country? No. Your big country house is going to cost you a fortune to heat. It probably isn’t even insulated. The plumbing is probably about to fail. The roof is leaking. Didn’t see the movie Baby Boom where Diane Keaton moves from New York city to Vermont? Nothing but problems. Her well ran dry, pay to connect to county water. Her roof was falling in with snow inside the house, pay for a new expensive roof. Do you really want to be out in the middle of nowhere self-sufficient and on your own? Stay in the city. Please.

Food, what about fresh food from your own garden. Food in the country is better than food in the city right? Wrong.

Sure, in the city grocery store you have no idea where your food is coming from or what the heck has been done to it. But you always have food. Out in the country what are you going to eat in the winter when the ground is frozen rock hard? How much food can you eat from a garden after the bugs and birds eat their share? Do you like high protein tomatoes and peppers? What’s worse than biting in to something and seeing a worm?

Biting in to something and seeing half a worm. Stay in the city. Please.

The city has the soothing sounds of traffic. The occasional siren you fall asleep to. Ahhh.

In the country you have roosters crowing all night long. Cows mooing. And the smell. The country smells.

In the city no wild critters that will eat you. In the city no worrying about the electricity or the water, hey, it’s somebody else’s problem. Foods available at the corner store, no hassle of growing it yourself, no pulling weeds and fighting tomato eating bugs, or any of the outside hard work. Stay in the city. Please.

If you have a friend that’s thinking about living self-sufficient in the country on a homestead please share this video with them. It’s up to you to keep them from making the biggest mistake of their life. Beg them to stay in the city. Please.

Do you really want to drive twenty miles to town every time you need something important? You know, like a late night pizza? Stay in the city. Please.

It’s all about you living your self-sufficient life dreams, living happy fun loving and carefree.

Live life doing it yourself.

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My dream is to buy 1-3 acres of land. And have a nice small house, a basketball court and a garden .i also enjoy living next to a city but around 40 minutes 1 hour away minimum


Dude I have been loving your channel such funny stuff. I feel like I should do a counter video "Don't move from the country to the city"


Grew up in the country, love it.
Sad thing, we live on the outskirts of what used to be a small town, near to a city... now it’s all growing... creeping up enough that soon we won’t be in the country anymore.. it’s downright heartbreaking


I know tons of people, especially those under the age of 35 that would be terrified to move out of the city. The lack of coffee shops, plastic surgeons and charging stations for their E-Cars frightens them to death. And for the older country fearing folks: the dreadful inability to find a mistress or a decent golf or yacht club instills fear and loathing. And let's not forget the lack of Mongolian-Afrro-Thai fiusion restaurants within easy walking distance that isn't found in the county. And don't get me started about the terror of drinking water from a well: everybody in the city knows that only safe water comes from a plastic bottle from a


Well, I live in the UK and most of the cons you mentioned such as long distances, food groceries shops and specially dangerous animals, we don’t face them here. So staying in the country it is still a huge advantage for us, specially because we are a tiny country comparing to the US.


I've lived in the city and the country. I love both. My father always told me to bloom where I'm planted. That's what I do. It helps to know how to do basic things in the way of chores otherwise you get ripped off by contractors.


You forgot to talk about The mental health. When you are from the City you can go crazy from not talking to people for long periods of time, and you even stop caring about every thing even get it out of bed because you get depress and want to die. It happened to me. People need to stay in the places they grow up or places that made you some what happy as a child. If you don't do this you will regret it for the rest of your life.


I moved from the country to the city and absolutely hate it and long for the country again


I've lived in the country for most of my life. I don't mind. In fact for the 8 years ago that I lived in the city and a small town I couldn't stand the crowded conditions and the noise. I don't mind cleaning my laneway and having a water pump and septic bad. You just need to know how to roll with it.


I'm still moving to the country but nice video Anybody that knows better You crack me up I'll see you in the country soon and I have a trade I know plumbing and welding and carpentry Those are my Bargaining tools Living in the city make you feel trapped and trust me I'm trapped trying to get out we my family to lurve better And I will make it happened my Lord Jesus Christ


The clock is ticking
The goat is missing
The chickens are raising a racket
The lock is rusted
The rake is busted
The crickets are keeping a secret

I live in the country now
I don't miss the amplified exhausts
That cops won't ticket
And it's not that I'm fussy
I'm just sick of it

The other half of the apple I ate
Has the other half of the worm
I'd rather it squirm inside me
Than live in a city and scream, quietly


Lol 🤣 we are in our 70s, born and raised in the country and still live in the country and you are spot on.


This is so funny, because we can veggies and fruits and we hunt and fish, even have farmers in my family 😂 we’re all good in the country


All the negative points of country life are really positive points. Many people believe that God’s work is the best. Asphalt and cement on fertile loamy soil is such a waste.


The wildlife is the number 1 thing I miss about living in the country, it would’ve been really nice to have still been there over the lock down. I inherited the house from my mother, lived there on and off growing up but I lived there for about a year after she died. I worked 80 miles away home and the house, it was just way more than what I could handle at 23. I really just couldn’t take it anymore, the drive was exhausting. I do love my apartment thought.


After years living in the city, I’d forgotten about field mice coming into your home in the country. 🤣 (My cat, it turns out, is quite the killing machine. But the first time I found just a mouse tail....)


Lol... Whatever you say, I still choose the country. Love to all!


I live in the mountains of Utah in the middle of nowhere and I love it


i will try my luck with the four and eight legged muggers in the sticks


So agree with this. Moved from a Small City to a remote outskirts of a Big Town… I’m ready to go back to the City. I am not interested in cleaning a big house, maintaining a larger property on the weekend, driving 2 hours to fun of the nearest city… hell we drive 20 minutes each way to coffee every morning… why because we are bored and there’s not much else to do.
