Why Meeting Women Just Got Way Easier

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Yes, you heard that right.

It's actually getting EASIER. Is that controversial to say?

...well, if you disagree after watching the video, feel free to share your strongly-worded opinion in the comments :)

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how many black shirts do u have?
todd: yes


There are dating coaches, and then there is Todd. This man deserves a Nobel Prize in dating


Thing is a lot of girls these days are socially awkward and even antisocial partly because of social media apps which makes it harder to run game against them and have a conversation. It’s like talking to a wall some of them dont contribute to a conversation at all. I havent approached in over a year so idk if anything has changed.
I know the burden on leading conversations fall on men so maybe im projecting, but i’m certain more and more girls suck at contributing to conversations or dont want to which makes them less receptive. I’d be curious to know if Todd thinks girls are more antisocial/awkward then in the past.


Numbers say people are having less sex these days…


Meh... she wants your attention, they all want. It is just a matter of how much she is willing to do for it.


the point at 6:21 should have been the whole video from the start, women are tired on online dating because all the wannabe puas on there think they can swindle the girl into bed instantly with their mystery tricks. guys, when you genuinely like a girl don't hesitate go up and talk to her, if she's not interested don't let it ruin you, if she is interested exchange info and set up a date. if you're comfortable with yourself she will be too, there is no need for all this "intel" it will just make you a creep like every other dude because it sets a frame of lack, fear, and deception.


Wow dude! The bags under your eyes are getting worse. Also, sadly, this video is about a year behind. At one point, I could appreciate the content but this one just feels like it was a grind out in desperation to cover the coke habit. Please look inward and come back to the quality over quantity.


Todd is great, but I did cold approach back in the 80’s. I had what I called stupid confidence. I was too stupid to know I had no reason to be so confident. Now that I’m single again after 28 years of marriage, I still do some cold approaches, but I prefer a visual connection first. Eye contact, smile/smirk. Women my age are less open to cold approaches. At least that’s been my experience. Maybe I just need to work on it more. At least I’m having fun.


Old guys remember: first gen PUAs were peacocking like crazy and asking every girl for a female opinion. Early 2000s were an insane time - canned lines everywhere. The shift to inner game and red pill helped a lot in that respect.


It's kind of true. I actually approached a good few women this year. I made the goal of doing this. The truth is that not once did I get my head bitten off like many red pill communities say. I didn't get the numbers because of other reasons. One for sure has a boyfriend as I saw her talking with him after I talked with her. One thing you have to make sure is that you don't have any goals other than making the approach. If you get rejected or she tells you that she is taken, that's already a win because you made the move.


Yeah I'm at the plateau phase where I've gotten some flakey numbers (the numbers from online dating made it much easier to close since the girls texted more reliably, so I'm figuring how to adapt), still haven't gotten laid, but the interactions I've been having that don't end fast seem qualitatively a lot better. I've learned the basics of how to flirt and tease in person and gotten the balls to tell a girl she's cute. I've had a couple of long sit down sets lately where I didn't pull (definitely should have at least tried, but I also still have work to do on the basics of approaching, I still get conditional anxiety) but executed a handful of game skills and got numbers at the end and at least got responses vs total flaking. I haven't been going out enough to get quick results or improvement, but the last fucking thing I want to do is quit now.


It is sad and and inspirational that there is a life coach for everything under the sun these days. This is a reflection of how our society has become cold, isolated, and pathetic! I am glad that this guy is able to help young men grow confidence and he is able to make a living at the same time, but approach the ladies is the same as anything in life; you just do it, the more you do it the more comfortable you get. Anyways, just a observation from a guy in his 40's. Have a good day and God bless.


Lmao and how did humans pair up for hundreds of years before ‘game’ 😂


Women want you to approach as long as you meet their minimum looks standards first. If you don't, find a way to cope or make it a numbers game.


80 to 20 rule
Not every guy is hooking up 😂


Been a longtime fan of Todd's content. I have to say, after being an old geezer myself, I absolutely love the way you can communicate almost all audiences. The thing that gets me, is that even after years, and in your case TWO decades of first hand experience; many women will deny all your data, the process, and everything surrounding dating and mating. It leaves me with one deep question... why do women deny all this ? Food for thought


2000s were far behind the local players in every city. People thought getting a phone number was an accomplishment then. These guys were pure game and nothing else. Bad clothes poor physique


People are or were hooking up, but now realising it doesn't bring them joy.


4:20 gotta disagree with him here. I was in college/my 20s in the late 90s/early-mid 2000s (before social media & dating apps) and hooked up with PLENTY of "randoms" i.e. you meet and get with a girl the same night. In fact did it way more then vs now. I feel like it's almost more difficult now with dating apps because there's so much more competition online, vs actually meeting randomly face to face in person at a bar. It doesn't seem like dudes are randomly talking to girls at the bar anymore--it's like the phone is the first level of defense.


It hasn't. This is just a typical thing marketers say, regardless of the industry they're in. First they'll recognize new challenges have risen in THIER business, and to fight it, they'll say the polar OPPOSITE of the reality out there to continue THIER business
