Alex Jones Can't Stop Screaming | Alex Jones Master Class Part 4

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Sometimes words are simply too constricting of a medium for Alex Jones's fury, so in the fourth and final installment of the Alex Jones master class we compile his screams in a semi-comprehensive way.
For anyone unfamiliar with the far-right radio personality and Infowars founder, Jones has claimed that Sept. 11 and the Sandy Hook massacre were inside jobs, that Obama wore a secret Muslim ring, and that juice boxes turn children into homosexuals. He also happens to have the ear of the president of the United States of America. In this series, however, we won’t be examining Jones’ political beliefs. Rather, we’ll be looking at the gravel-voiced Texan’s other most notable quality: his flair for theatrics.
Jones’s on-air persona owes more to Howard Beale, the fictional character from “Network” than most pundits or journalists. In the 1976 satire, Peter Finch plays Beale, a failing news anchor whose ratings get a much-needed boost after suffering an on-air nervous breakdown. In the film’s most enduring moment Beale fumes: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore.”
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For anyone unfamiliar with the far-right radio personality and Infowars founder, Jones has claimed that Sept. 11 and the Sandy Hook massacre were inside jobs, that Obama wore a secret Muslim ring, and that juice boxes turn children into homosexuals. He also happens to have the ear of the president of the United States of America. In this series, however, we won’t be examining Jones’ political beliefs. Rather, we’ll be looking at the gravel-voiced Texan’s other most notable quality: his flair for theatrics.
Jones’s on-air persona owes more to Howard Beale, the fictional character from “Network” than most pundits or journalists. In the 1976 satire, Peter Finch plays Beale, a failing news anchor whose ratings get a much-needed boost after suffering an on-air nervous breakdown. In the film’s most enduring moment Beale fumes: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore.”
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