Top 6 Underrated Jedi - Star Wars Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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Plo Koon has always been my favorite and I'm glad when people recognize how awesome he is. I just wish he survived Order 66...


I just love learning about the Star wars universe pre-disney


plo koon is actually one of my favorite jedi. I didn't like his as a kid because i thought his live action look weird, plus you only see a few glimpses of him in the films. the longest of which was AOC and the second longest was his death in ROTS

but the clone wars changed my view on him and I actually started to really like him


Star Wars the clone wars in my opinion honestly give the Order 66 scene in episode 3 more impact, after getting to know characters like Plo Koon, Ki Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura.


Finally some love for my boy Kao Cen! The dudes performance when he fought Vindican and Malgus was legendary.


Aalya Secura, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Luminara Unduli


Top 6 underrated Jedi
6: Yarael Poof
5: Yarael Poof
4: Yarael Poof
3: Yarael Poof
2: Yarael Poof
1: My custom character in Lego Star Wars


no Qui Gon Jinn???? ridiculously underrated by many.


I always loved Master Plo from the moment I first saw him, the more I learned the more I loved. from his race's natural in tune nature with the force to his niece and the origins of his yellow lightsaber and the fact HE KNOWS HOW TO USE A VERSION OF FORCE LIGHTNING made him just that much greater. So when they made him Ahsoka's "old friend" within the order I couldn't help but smile


I absolutely love Plo Koon. He's been my favorite Jedi (other than Anakin Skywalker) for a while now.


Warms my heart to see all the love for Plo Koon. He'll always be the best :D Sad we didn't get to see him fully duel anyone in the films


Luminara Unduli and Shaak Ti deserve to be on this list. Unduli was a paragon of Jedi ideals: calm, clever, and detached but still one of the most compassionate members of the order. She was a skilled general in the Clone Wars and proficient with a variety of unusual force abilities including force healing. She was also a master of Soresu light saber combat. She inspired and connected with even the most "difficult" members of the order such as Anakin Skywalker and Quinlan Vos. Shaak Ti was easily one of the most powerful Jedi of her time, able to contend with major threats such as General Grievous. She was a master of both Makashi and Ataru light saber combat, and was renowned for her skill, diplomacy, and intelligence. Obi Wan considered her the most cunning Jedi he ever met, and she was the master appointed to oversee all of the Clone training on Kamino.


I remember playing as Plo Koon in "Jedi Power Battles" on PS1. He had a yellow lightsaber in that game haha


Jedi battlemaster Kao Cen Darach has to be my favorite of this list. Simply because of his intense abilities with his light saber and fighting style. His skill allowed him to hold his own against two siths at the same time and managing to defeat lord vindican and give malgus a fight to remember. Although being killed, he left doing what he does best, fighting!


Now time for the most overrated characters.
5) Boba Fett
4) Boba Fett
3) Boba Fett
2) Boba Fett
Honorable Mention: Boba Fett
1) Boba Fett.


make a second list. and make sure kit fisto is on there


Plo Koon is my favorite! Why did they change his saber from orange to blue though?


-The Purpose and Timeline of the Republic Commandos
-What if Qui-Gon had gotten Anakin's mother in the Phantom Menace?
-What if Anakin lost the Podrace?
-What if Darth Maul had found and trained Anakin?
-What if Qui-Gon killed Darth Maul on Tatooine?
-What if Obi-Wan joined Count Dooku? - Part 2
-What if love wasn't forbidden in the Jedi Order?
-What if Obi-Wan brought Anakin back to the light in ROTS?
-What if Obi-Wan joined Anakin in ROTS?
-What if Darth Plagueis killed Palpatine?
-What if Padme survived?
-What if the Rule of Two didn't exist?
-What if Plagueis trained all of Palpatine, Maul, Dooku, Grievous, and Ventress and battled Yoda, Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, and Ahsoka Tano?


I always though Aayla Secura is underrated, she's my favorite Jedi from the prequels, I wish we got to see her combat skills, all she did was turn her lightsaber on here and there


Boba fett... said to be one of the most known characters in star wars... Was killed by an almost blind man who accidentally shot him.
