Tech Diplomacy Talks - Building Trust in AI

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In a turbulent and complex global landscape, trust remains crucial. The growing role of AI in diplomacy presents new opportunities and challenges, requiring diplomats in International Geneva to develop AI literacy. To ensure equitable sharing of AI's benefits and risks, more global involvement in AI development and governance is needed to avoid the digital divide, distrust in public institutions, societal discrimination, and global insecurity.

Welcome remarks:
Raymond Loretan, President, Club Diplomatique de Genève
Benedikt Wechsler, Head of the Digitalisation Division, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland

Panel discussion with:
Corneliu Bjola, Professor of Digital Diplomacy and Head of the Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group, University of Oxford
Amanda Craig, Senior Director, Responsible AI Public Policy, Microsoft
Jérôme Duberry, Managing Director, Tech Hub, Geneva Graduate Institute (Co-Moderator)
Lennig Pedron, CEO, Trust Valley (Co-Moderator)

The Tech Diplomacy Talks is a new series of events aiming to bridge the gap between technology and policy, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving technological landscape. Each event will feature diverse perspectives from academia, the tech industry, government, and civil society, offering insights into emerging technologies and their societal and geopolitical impacts. With its rich history in technology regulation, Geneva provides a unique setting to discuss these critical issues.

This event was organised in partnership with the Club Diplomatique de Genève, Trust Valley, the Tech Hub and Executive Education of the Geneva Graduate Institute.
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