First time watching Vsauce: Is your red the same as my red?

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What if what I call red is what you see as green but we both just call it red? Vsauce explains. And other thoughts on colour, perception, pain and a literary recommendation.
Are you color blind?

IG: @noprotocol_official
Tik-Tok: @nooprotocol_official

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Vsauce is an OG. Highly recommend viewing more of his stuff whether you review it here or not. He's one of the top science educators on YouTube imo.


This was the first thought-provoking conversation I ever had. I didn't find out the concept had a name until just now.


Been watching Vsauce for years now, glad you did this vid! Love your channel!


Messages For The Future & How The Earth Moves are particularly great ones by him. He's been making great content for over ten years and has only gotten better. He's definitely one of the more thought provoking science communicators of our generation. He never comes off as condescending either. He asks a thought provoking question, goes down a rabbit hole and lets us know what he found. His enthusiasm is icing on the cake.


I asked my teacher this exact question in the 4th grade and I got in trouble because she believed that I was intentionally trying to disrupt class by asking ridiculous questions.


I think Vsauce is now one of those legendary channels.
I’ve never seen someone do a reaction video for it, however. I think you’ve stumbled into an incredible opportunity here.


You should watch the Vsauce videos on Paradoxes, those are very interesting


My grandfather was colourblind. One day he had to replace the paisley carpet on his stairs as it was worn out. When my father came home from school he burst into fits of laughter as the new carpet, despite having the correct paisley pattern was green whilst the carpet on the landing was red. It was the first time my grandfather knew he was colour blind and apparently my dad couldn't sit down for a week lol😂


I followed vsauce channel for years, it's a great food for thought chanel, and Michael has a good way to present the subjects that borderlines between humor and fright. Nice reaction.


discovered your channel recently, its a well-deserved change of pace from the rest of the reaction channels. love your vibe, keep up the good work


I can definitely recommend all 3 seasons of Vsauce's Mind Field, for personal viewing even. They are his regular videos with a higher budget basically. Very good content. Glad you're covering him, I'm sure you will love his other videos too. My personal top 3 is how people disappear, spooky coincidences and the zipf's mystery. All of them very curious, thought-provoking and contain lots of information for further study.


Oh the many times I've tried to explain my colorblindness to friends. I frequently got odd looks for wearing mismatched colors that to my eye looked the same from my ex wife and friends 😆.


more vsauce PLEASE!!
Michael has been doing this stuff for decades at this point, and he has it down to a science literally.
You strike me as incredibly inquisitive and i loved seeing your facial reactions as you started to ask your own questions. I experience that everytime i watch a Vsaucr video!


Like you, I thought about this often throughout my life and, also like you, have had an extremely difficult time trying to articulate the concept and get them to understand what I was thinking about.


As a colorblind person I have been able to come to many of the conclusions shared in this video strictly through my own experiences of constantly trying to explain to people what I see and how color blindness works. Color seeing people struggle to understand why you can’t just learn that the color of grass is green. They can’t comprehend how it can actually look orange to a color blind person. It’s a fascinating subject.


My favorite VSauce video is “Which away is Down?” I must have seen it a dozen times and it never ceases to blow my mind.


You gotta watch more Vsauce. One of my favorite channels of all time and Michael really gets you thinking about some interesting topics you may never have found. Also you said that you were interested in language, you should watch the "Misnomer" video by Vsauce. He goes a lot into language and word origins in that one. Hope you keep coming back to him!


I have synaesthesia which means I see sounds as colour. Only realised It was unusual 10 years ago when I asked my daughter can you see the colour of that note while teaching her guitar.


Heya 😃
I just want to say thank you. You're reactions are always so interesting, because of the mix of fun & curiosity topics and thoughtful comments on them.
It's pretty rare to find "intellectual" reaction content, sooo thanks 😁
And because you asked: "The Zipf Mystery" from Vsauce was my first one I saw of him and it gave me the creeps. (still does) I highly recommend it for your list ^^
He also has a cool TED-Talk about "why do we ask questions?" which is also amazing IIRC. 🙂
Anyway, byee~


You are super contemplative in the simplest way. From your facial expressions and how you ask the listener’s questions to make the brain want to be better to match your query makes me smile super widely
