Estimating Shingles

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In this video I demonstrate how to estimate shingles for a hip roof.
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Very good. Thank you. For a rip roof as you have drawn, do you find that there is more waste that with a gable roof?


i use an engineer's wheel on the ground, , i draw out the roof giving the measurement for each side then use pitch factor, , if i have a 4 hip roof (rectangular shape )and across the front its 40 ft by 20 ft down the side will equal 800 sq ft ..If the pitch is a 5/12 ( pitch factor is 1.083), , so 800 x 1.083 = 866, , , being a hip roof (15%) for waste 866 x .15% = 129.. so..866 +129 =995 SQ FT ..I WOULD ROUND UP TO 10 SQ FOR THE ROOF, , That includes starter and hip and ridge cap ..I did 2 roofs back to back and I wound up with 3 bundles left over total between the 2 roofs


couldnt you just divide the total square footage by 33 and get the total number of bundles?
